
n. 注意力;关心;立正!(口令)


As long as you're just hanging there, pay attention.>>完整场景
Colonel Doolittle strides into the room as all the men snap to attention.>>完整场景
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT The Japanese carriers turn into the wind and raise combat pennants. A color guard raises the Japanese flag as the deck crew stand at attention, seeing the rising-sun flag snap potently in the wind.>>完整场景
INT. COLONEL DOOLITTLE'S OFFICE - DAY COLONEL JIMMY DOOLITTLE, mid-forties, is commander of the base. He's as tough as he is good in the air. And right now he's frowning at Rafe McCawley, standing at attention before him.>>完整场景
No-one is paying attention.>>完整场景
And no-one is paying attention.>>完整场景
Fredo puts his arm around his brother; he is high with the first attention Mike has ever given him, as though finally he is being taken seriously; as though his brother needs him.>>完整场景
And he returns his attention to the men who are gathered with him on his birthday.>>完整场景
VIEW ON THE PAVILION The returned orchestra strikes a big, show-biz chord, intended to command the guests' attention.>>完整场景
MED. CLOSE VIEW on one of these men, FRANKIE PENTANGELI, approaching his sixties, with gray hair (the little of it left). He's a bit scruffy, this morning's shave of his white beard is not perfect, and he seems tired. He is accompanied by an associate-bodyguard, WILLY CICCI; thin and dark, and also dressed up for the occasion. Frankie tries to get the attention of one of the waiters; a college-groomed young man in white sports jacket and black bow-tie.>>完整场景
The boy runs as fast as he can out through the gates. Then there is a lupara blast. He turns, and sees his Mother flung a distance of five feet from the short range of the terrible blast of the shotgun. Then he sees the men turn their attention to him. One fires at him; but the boy is quick, and disappears into a grove of olive trees.>>完整场景
Pay attention!>>完整场景
HALL (WINTER 1945) The Hallway of the main house is filled with MEN MICHAEL doesn't recognize. They pay little attention to him. Most of them are waiting; sitting uncomfortably; no one is talking.>>完整场景
He returns his attention to GENCO, holding his hand and whispering things we cannot hear, as they wait for death.>>完整场景
I am paying attention.>>完整场景
Why are you not paying attention?>>完整场景
Why you would unnecessarily court attention like this is- - Simon, can you shut the f*** up?>>完整场景
The attention of people like me.>>完整场景
Only in war do they feel the warm glow of other people's attention.>>完整场景
I really don't think now's the time to court media attention.>>完整场景
- Well... Attention on deck!>>完整场景
President Obama, as you know, is drawing down troops in Iraq to refocus our attention on Afghanistan.>>完整场景
Thank you all for coming. I am pleased that you brought this problem to our attention. May you sleep well tonight knowing that the situation has been swiftly resolved.>>完整场景
Drew stops their progress and makes sure he has the monk's attention.>>完整场景
He is riding strongly, and she is comfortable in the back. They are getting stares from the people they pass, but Ashema seems to be enjoying the attention. Drew hits a bump, and Ashema holds his waist a little tighter. Neither of them mind – in fact, Drew starts looking for more bumps.>>完整场景