n. 调度,部署
- And it will deploy it, push it out, do it in a red green deployment or blue green deployment such that there is no gap in that deployment as you set things up.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- But Rails 8 is not just about the better deployment story and database-backed adapters. We’re also making Propshaft the new default asset pipeline. Propshaft a is dividend from the mission to focus on #NOBUILD as the default path in Rails 7 (and offloading more complicated JavaScript setups to bun/esbuild/vite/etc). As the new asset pipeline it replaces the old Sprockets system, which hails from all the way back in 2009. A time before JavaScript transpilers and build pipelines as we know them today existed. And long, long before we could imagine browsers with stellar JavaScript implementations, import maps, and no constraints from many small files thanks to HTTP/2.
但是Rails 8不仅仅是更好的部署故事和数据库支持的适配器。我们还将Propshaft作为新的默认资产管道。Propshaft a是专注于#NOBUILD作为Rails 7默认路径的任务的红利(并将更复杂的JavaScript设置卸载到bun/esbuild/vite/etc)。作为新的资产管道,它取代了早在2009年就出现的旧Sprockets系统。在我们今天所知道的JavaScript转译器和构建管道存在之前的一段时间。很久以前,我们就可以想象浏览器具有出色的JavaScript实现、导入映射,并且由于HTTP/2而没有来自许多小文件的约束。>> Rails8- Together with a revised strategy for handling secrets (featuring built-in integration for 1password, Bitwarden, and LastPass) and a new aliases feature to get commands like “kamal console” to start a remote Rails console session, it provides a complete package for handling not just the deployment but the operation of your application in production.
再加上处理机密的修订策略(具有1password、Bitwarden和LastPass的内置集成)和新的别名功能,以获取“kamal console”等命令来启动远程Rails控制台会话,它提供了一个完整的包,不仅可以处理部署,还可以处理生产中应用程序的操作。>> Rails8- Furthermore, all the new deployment tools, as well as Solid Cache and Solid Queue, have been driving our cloud exit at 37signals for over 18 months in applications like Basecamp and HEY.
此外,所有新的部署工具,以及Solid Cache和Solid Queue,在Basecamp和HEY等应用程序中推动我们的云退出37signals超过18个月。>> Rails8- Nobody should have to pay orders of magnitude more for basic computing just to make deployment friendly and usable. That’s a job for open source, and Rails is ready to solve it.
任何人都不应该为了使部署友好和可用而为基本计算支付更多数量级的费用。这是开源的工作,Rails已经准备好解决这个问题。>> Rails8- INT. COLONEL'S OFFICE - WAR DEPT. - DAY A busy office. Aides and secretaries scurry about. The walls and tables are covered with maps of Normandy and complex deployment charts. A ONE-ARMED COLONEL with a chest full of ribbons pours himself another cup of coffee. He clearly hasn't slept in a long time. The Young Captain, his staff officer, walks in.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- (IN JAPANESE) Sword deployment.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script