n. 梯田;阳台;平台
- A terrace can span almost the entire surface of a rooftop when located at the top of a building.
当露台位于建筑物的顶部时,它几乎可以横跨屋顶的整个表面。>> 80-The Crystal Palace- What's the Difference Between a Balcony and a Terrace? A terrace is much larger than a balcony.>> 80-The Crystal Palace
- TO:
- EXT. ROOFTOP TERRACES, JAPANESE CASTLE - NIGHT A LOW TREMOR RUMBLES THROUGH THE CASTLE. Cobb and Arthur steady themselves against the wooden rail. Several TILES and pieces of MASONRY fall. Below them a BLACK SEA churns. Other GUESTS wander the massive terraces.>> 盗梦空间 Inception Movie Script
- Fredo gets up, walks to the glass panel that separates the terrace from the lake.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- EXT. ROTH'S PRIVATE TERRACE - DAY Michael sits alone with the old man, on a terrace that overlooks the city.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- The felling and earth removal are being watched by Churchill and Lang from a distant terrace. In the background a jazz band in white tuxedos syncopates pertly.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 56 EXT. GROUNDS AND TERRACE, BALMORAL - NEW DAY 56 A woodsman's axe CHOPS into the thick trunk of a massive tree.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- EXT. TERRACE, AMALFI COAST – DAY The Protagonist leaves the tourists behind, heading down a leafy path to emerge at a terrace overlooking the sea. Kat stands there, alone. The Protagonist falls in beside her.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- INT. TERRACE OVERLOOKING MUMBAI, SANJAY’S HOUSE – LATER Overlooking the extraordinary bustle of the city. Sanjay has left. His wife hands the Protagonist his drink –>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Chace leaves Gail on the terrace. As she watches Chace go, her son Paul joins her, his hair grown long now.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- EXT. GETTY VILLA, MALIBU -- DAY They walk together, a bit awkwardly, on the main terrace, where they pass a row of marble busts of Roman Emperors.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- INT. BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL -- POOL TERRACE -- DAY Gail steps onto the terrace, where two dozen reporters andphotographers await. She steps before the microphones.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- The fireworks are about to start. Parrish looks up, sees Joe up on the terrace, waiting. SUSAN (cont'd) (to Parrish) Shall we?>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- On a distant fringe of the party, a grass terrace that still commands a view of the dance floor, is Joe. His eyes are on Parrish and Susan, he watches them admiringly yet ruefully. A Waiter passes, catches sight of Joe, stops.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- No. Quince nods anxiously, then smiles gratefully. They look on as the pre-party activities swirl on around them. EXT. FRONT ENTRANCE, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET (LATER) The moment just before sunset, the last pre-party minutes, a procession of guests' cars winding up to the guest house, being directed into adjacent fields. Susan cuts past a re- ceiving line that files up the stairs, she skirts the house and heads straight for the action, the party on the lawns in the rear, climbs a terrace where she commands a view of the event on which the curtain is just about to rise.EXT. LAWN, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET Guests milling, emerging from the crowd Susan sees, isolated by a fountain, Joe. He looks up towards her, he knows she has seen him, they proceed to a rendezvous that has not been prearranged but which they intuit. Susan slants through the guests, stopping here and there, excited greetings and cha- tter float on the wind, "He, Susie!", "What a party", "You look great", she keeps moving, a shimmering wraith. Joe is on the right coordinate to meet her, his graceful, unfailing step carrying him speedily to a destination he is not certain of, but where he knows he will find Susan. EXT. GARDEN, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET The very last rays of the sun setting over the wide expanse of river, the light catching Susan and Joe as they enter the garden, the party forming behind them, the river flowing in front of them.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- Over at the terrace, Quince buttonholes Parrish, Joe stand- ing by.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation. INT. SALON, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE, NEW YORK CITY - NIGHT The skyline glitters through the terrace windows. The hour is before dinner, Coyle and Luisa weave seamlessly among the family, offering hors d'oeuvres and drinks on a tray. Allison and Susan together by a piano; Parrish, Quince and a distracted Joe are gathered near the terrace. Joe's eyes are on Susan across the room. Her eyes flicker towards him, aware of his gaze.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- MAY:
- (smiling) What? Parrish grins, continues on, is intercepted by Allison who, on catching sight of him, bounces in from the terrace.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- Freesia, freesia, everywhere. Daddy loves freesia -- and you, over there, lights. Not too bright. I'm looking for a saffron glow -- sort of tea- dance twenties. EXT. GREAT HALL, COUNTRY ESTATE - MORNING Parrish, groomed for the day, trots down the stairs, observ- ing the activity outside through the windows. He checks his watch, strides down the hall, encounters MAY, 50, a family retainer who is opening the doors to the terrace as Parrish passes.
小苍兰,小苍兰,到处都是。爸爸喜欢小苍兰,而你,在那边,有灯光。不要太亮。我在找一种藏红花红——有点像二十岁的茶舞。外景:大会堂,乡村庄园——早晨的帕里什,一天的打扮,小跑下楼,透过窗户观察外面的活动。他看了看手表,大步走下大厅,遇到了50岁的梅,一位家臣,当帕里什经过时,她正在打开阳台的门。>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script- EXT. ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. - 4:00 AM A patch of water. PULL BACK TO REVEAL more water. BACK FARTHER TO REVEAL an expanse of river, up the bank to massive lawn running up to a great, classic Hudson River manor house; the country estate of William Parrish. INT. PARRISH COUNTRY ESTATE - 4:00 AM MOVE THROUGH French doors that lead from a wide terrace into an expansive living room, DOWN wide corridors lined with Bierstadt and Cole paintings, the Hudson River School, mists and trees and small boats and distant humans. INT. PARRISH BEDROOM - 4:00 AM MOVE THROUGH the doorway to reveal a master bedroom furnish- ed with exquisite simplicity, revelatory of its sleeping occupant, WILLIAM PARRISH, 64, a warm but commanding face, a man of maturity yet who exudes a glow of enthusiasm. Although asleep, there is an uncommon restlessness to him. Parrish grips his upper arm as if in pain. Now the severity of the pain wakes him, he squeezes his arm. The wind comes up, through the wind a VOICE is heard distantly, or is it the>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script