
n. 原因;事业;目标


(pause) On a lighter note, these was cause for celebration at the L.A. Zoo today, as... Sarah leaves her half-finished pizza and beer, getting up in a daze. Followed by puzzles glances, she makes her way through the crowd.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
'Others, lesser, that hate him 'do call it valiant fury.' But, for certain, he cannot buckle his distempered cause within the belt of rule.
>> Macbeth Movie Script
And aIIow me to pIedge my eternaI dedication to this nobIe cause.
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
Further, if the Council endorses such an expedition it would cause unnecessary panic among our people.
>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
But it was none of those traits that would cause so much death and pain.
>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
- Cause for celebration.
>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
To get in and out quietly, not to go in there and cause mayhem by killing their leader.
>> 带刀的辣妹 Babes with Blades Movie Script
Cause this is my time.
>> 带刀的辣妹 Babes with Blades Movie Script
If every time you flew in an airplane, you landed, the passengers got out, and the plane was thrown away cause planes flew once, well, it would cost a million and a half dollars for a coach seat.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
I want to test the pasta cause it could absorb some of the color.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
[Raj] We should probably check it, cause last time we had a pretty bad angle.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
[Kluger] From a man who held a dark and hateful cause, came a missile that gave America one of its greatest historical inspirations.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
Cause I can give you at least five, maybe ten minutes of conversation for each one.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
What I got is probabIe cause.
>> The Mask Movie Script
We called it piling. It wasn't unusual for a loud noise to cause a pile in the brooder house. If there wasn't someone to pull them off each other, 50 could die because someone slammed a door.
>> Poultry Slam 1995 家禽
We've had predators roam through our camp at night on several occasions, but never did they cause any damage.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
This resulting conflict is the main cause for the rapid decline of the number of lions in the wild.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
She's right. Besides, that's a $6 million irrigation project... There's no price you can put on the destruction those things will cause if they're not stopped here.
>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
That'd lead me to the cause?
>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
Cause you're smart.
>> 当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness Movie Script
Buy Yen sell Yen, buy this, sell this... everything... Cause your decisions in general were all wrong.
>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
Cause he recognize me! There's more to it than that.
>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
You're really one of the champions on the hill for food safety and it's a very important cause.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
Each of you swore allegiance to me and to that cause.
>> 沉睡魔咒 Maleficent Movie Script
Leviticus 20:
8. "If a man lies with a woman, having a signatia, made naked as a fountain, and she has uncovered a fountain of blood." She was raped and stabbed, but the cause of death was suffocation with a sanitary napkin.
>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script