
adj. 困难的;不随和的;执拗的


Hist hell Alexander) Is this really you? ) ! Really ! Show me your teeth Alexander) had a bad year) Because of excessive smoking I have replaced them with electronic cigarettes He had a front line top I was in after two weeks of recovery His voice was different - I have installed the chip to change the sound - No, I mean the way impact This is true, BRITISH This guy U.S. In fact, after I learned the American accent I found it difficult to go back again for the British (For heaven's sake, this man is not (Alexander Pierce ! It's just a tourist Tourists?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
As he rounds a particularly difficult series of statues, a volley of ARROWS comes HURTLING towards him. Drew blocks some, avoids others, and catches one in each hand. He throws them down and continues on.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
FOLLOWING MONTAGE SECTION Different shots of the monks tearing the building apart with kicks and punches. Shots of Drew, Gao and Li kicking through walls, through doors, through windows, etc. Some the three of them destroy together, others are seperate. Several shots of disciples as they concentrate on particularly difficult things, using their chi, smashing the bricks and wood apart. They are destroying the building, and they are having a GREAT TIME!
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
He is doing well, jumping from pole to pole, kicking and punching. He tries an especially difficult sequence of moves, and falls with a THUMP to the ground. Immediately, he is back up and onto the poles. He tries the same set of moves, falls again. Instead of being angry, Drew just laughs at himself, then climbs back up on the poles.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
ADMISSIONS MONK: The training is too difficult. Besides, Shaolin policy is no foreigners.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
The name derives from stunt doubles in movies that stand in for the real actor when a difficult stunt needs to be done.
>> 2024-02 stunt double 特技替身
“Put your saddle on her,” Call said. He felt tired and was finding it difficult to speak. He felt at any moment he might choke.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt had always been interested in snow, and looked at the mountains often, but in the weeks following Deets’s death he found it difficult to care much about anything, even snow. He didn’t pay much attention to the talk of storms, and didn’t really care if they all froze, herd and hands together.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Clara and Augustus sat for an hour in the room where Bob lay. Augustus found it difficult to get used to the fact that the man’s eyes were open. Clara had ceased to care, or even notice.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“That’s progress,” she said. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Dusk came and July didn’t leave. He sat on the porch, his rifle across his lap, trying to make up his mind to go. He knew he ought to. However difficult she was, Ellie was still his wife. She might be in danger, and it was his duty to try and save her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Besides, Clara remembered the immense fatigue that had seized her when Betsey was born. Though the last, Betsey had been the most difficult of her births, and when it was over she could not lift her head for three hours. To speak took an immense effort—and Elmira had had a harder time than she had. Best just to let her rest. When her strength came backshe might not be so ill-disposed toward the child.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Ma’am, it’s got to nurse,” Clara said. Elmira made no objection when the baby was put to her breast, but the business was difficult. At first no milk would come—Clara began to fear the baby would weaken and die before it could even be fed. Finally it nursed a little but the milk didn’t satisfy it—an hour later it was crying in hunger again.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Once again, Clara had reason to be glad of Cholo, who was as good with women as he was with horses. Difficult births didn’t frighten him as they did most men, and many women. Elmira’s was difficult, too—the exhausting journey over the plains had left her too weak for the task at hand. She fainted many times during the night. Clara could do nothing about itexcept bathe her face with cool water from the cistern. When day came, Elmira was too weak to scream. Clara was worried—the woman had lost too much blood.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
After watching the loading for a while he went back to the saloon where the woman named Jennie was said to work. He inquired for her at the bar, and the bartender, a skinny runt, said she was busy and asked if he wanted a whiskey. July seldom drank whiskey but he said yes, to be courteous, mainly. If he was taking up space in a bar he ought to pay for it, he figured. So he took the whiskey and sipped it until it was gone, and then took another. Soon he was feeling heavy, as if it would be difficult to walk fast if he had to, but in fact he didn’t have to. Women came and went in the saloon, but the bartender who poured the whiskeys kept assuring him that Jennie would be down any minute. July kept drinking. It seemed to him that he was taking on weight in a hurry. He felt that just getting out of his chair would be more than he could do, he felt so heavy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But he shook his head when they pointed at the cattle. He thought they wanted to take the cattle and go west. When he shook his head, it caused a big laugh. The Indians seemed to think everything he did was pretty comical. They jabbered and pointed to the west, laughing, and then, to his dismay, three of them began to whoop at the cattle and got them started west. It seemed they were just going to take them. Newt felt sick with confusion. He knew the point had been reached when he ought to draw his pistol and try to stop it but he couldn’t seem to do it. The fact that the Indians were laughing and seemed friendly made it difficult. How do you shoot people who were laughing? Maybe the Captain could have, but the Captain wasn’t there.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“No sabe,” he said, thinking maybe some of the Indians knew Mexican. But the little short Indian just kept jabbering and pointing west. Newt didn’t know what to make of that. Meanwhile the others crowded around, not being mean exactly, but being familiar, fingering his hat and his rope and his quirt, and generally making it difficult for him to think clearly.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It rained so hard for two hours that it was difficult even to see the cattle. Newt moped along on Mouse, feeling chilled and depressed. By this time, they were on a rolling plain bare of trees. There was nothing to get under except the sky.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He remembered when he had first come to the high plains, years before. For two days he and Call and the Rangers had ridden parallel to the great southern buffalo herd—hundreds of thousands of animals, slowly grazing north. It had been difficult to sleep at night because the horses were nervous around so many animals, and the sounds of the herd were constant. They had ridden for nearly a hundred miles and seldom been out of sight of buffalo.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“No telling,” July said. “No telling when, and no telling where, either. He don’t have no sense of direction. He could be going east, for all we know.” That possibility alone made his quandary more difficult. His wife had left for parts unknown, his deputy was wandering in other parts unknown, and the man he was supposed to catch was in yet other parts unknown.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The memory of the frying possum crossed his mind, reminding him that he was very hungry. What with the wasp stings on top of the hunger, it was difficult to express himself clearly, or even to think clearly, for that matter.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
When the wagon tilted, Newt saw Lippy’s legs. He and the Raineys waded in and tried to get him loose, but the coat was still pinched in the seat. All they could do was get his head above water, though his head was so covered with mud that it was difficult at first to know if he was dead or alive. Fortunately Pea soon rode up and cut the coat loose with his bowie knife.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Yet she was uncommonly beautiful. It had always been his trouble—he liked the beauties. It gave her a power he didn’t appreciate, otherwise he would never have been talked into a trip that was little more than absurd. He was slowed to the pace of Call’s cow herd and tied to a woman who attracted every man she saw. Even then, he didn’t know if he could leave her. For all her difficult ways, he wanted her and couldn’t tolerate the thought of her taking up with Gus or anyone else. He felt she would stick by him if things got bad. He didn’t like being alone or having to take orders from Call.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“There was just four of us boys,” Roscoe said. “Ma died young.” Louisa was watching him, which made him nervous. He remembered that he was supposed to be thinking about the prospect of marrying her while he finished the cornbread, but in fact his appetite was about gone anyway and he was having to choke it down. He began to feel more and more of a grievance against more and more people. The start of it all was Jake Spoon, who had no business coming to Fort Smith in the first place. It seemed to him that a chain of thoughtless actions, on the part of many people he knew, had resulted in his being stuck in a cabin in the wilderness with a difficult widow woman. Jake should have kept his pistol handier, and not resorted to a buffalo gun. Benny Johnson should have been paying attention to his dentistry and not walking around in the street in the middle of the day. July shouldn’t have married Elmira if she was going to run off, and of course Elmira certainly had no business getting on the whiskey boat.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Lorena didn’t mind. It was too pretty a day. The fact that Gus had found her horse was a good sign. She felt like riding, even though the country was brushy. She felt like a lope, in fact. Jake could sulk if he wanted to. She was looking forward to the trip.THE DAY SOON GREW HOT, and the cattle, tired from their all-night walk, were sluggish and difficult to move. Call had to put half the crew on the drags to keep them going. Still, he was determined to get across the Nueces, for Deets had said he expected it to storm again that night.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I don’t know where I got such a fancy for you,” he said. “You are a sight to see.” He stretched out beside her and pulled her back. It was odd to look up beyond his head and see the white sky above them instead of the cracked boards in the ceiling above her head in the Dry Bean. More than usual, it made her feel not there—far from Jake and what he was doing. Crowded up in a room, it was difficult for her to keep herself—on the grass, with the sky far above, it was easy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇