
n. 隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房


He's at the lower end of the compartment, where the water is deeper -- the ship's nose is lower than her stern. The water's up to the guy's neck.>>完整场景
INT. OKLAHOMA - REAR COMPARTMENT In one compartment there are a dozen trapped men. They've survived the roll-over, and are in a chaotic world where the floor is now the ceiling. The water is up their waists.>>完整场景
INT. INNER COMPARTMENT OF THE OKLAHOMA - DAY Water is up to the trapped sailor's waists when they grab a wrench and start taking turns pounding S.O.S. in Morse code on the bulkhead.>>完整场景
One of the Spitfires in Rafe's squadron has taken hits in the engine compartment and is sputtering, losing power, its pilot, NIGEL, frantic as the German planes swarm into finish him.>>完整场景
The porter does so; as he places the tray down, he catches a glimpse of a second person in the compartment with Michael.>>完整场景
INT. THE TRAIN - DAY Inside the corridor, a porter advances, and knocks on the door of a stateroom. A voice tells him to enter. OUR VIEW enters with him as he carries a tray of lunch. From this POV we see Michael Corleone sitting in the compartment.>>完整场景
As he scrubs around the glove compartment, he opens it, unwraps a gun and gives it to LAMPONE.>>完整场景
Try the secret compartment.>>完整场景
The others unstrap their belts and crowd into the rear of the passenger compartment.>>完整场景
Tom, is it possible to construct an imperceptible compartment?>>完整场景
672. In the compartment, the impartial participant told me his counterpart's departure.>>完整场景
The SLS crew compartment will go to space.>>完整场景
But I feel like the egg should be standing up in the compartment, though.>>完整场景
I'm actually inside the rumen-- that first compartment of the stomach.>>完整场景
He checks the phone – a blinking dot half a mile away – he GUNS it, FISHTAILING unexpectedly... EXT. HIGHWAY – CONTINUOUS We see the fire fight from before IN REVERSE – Neil laying down fire from between cars, Kat carried ‘back’ to the Audi... Behind Neil, Sator, MOVING FORWARDS, checks the glove compartment of the BMW... NOTHING. FUMING, he heads back to the Mercedes, DUCKING behind cars, bullets FLYING... INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist pulls onto a busy highway where the cars are FACING HIM, BUT MOVING IN HIS DIRECTION... The Saab races along, the only normal-looking car on a road full of cars SPEEDING BACKWARDS... On the phone, the flashing dot is CLOSER... Slowing, the Protagonist spots the ORANGE CASE lying empty by the side of the road. He PULLS OVER some distance away – JUMPS out of the car – pulls out his BLUETOOTH EARPIECE and WEDGES it between the foam padding and the orange plastic... The Protagonist heads back to his car, checks the signal from his phone... PEERS at the case... The case SHUDDERS TO LIFE – LEAPS INTO THE WINDOW OF A PASSING CAR – THE MERCEDES – The Protagonist PEELS OUT, DUST FLIES UP IN CLOUDS THAT DON’T FULLY BLOSSOM as expected, but CONTRACT... The Protagonist STRUGGLES with the wheel, trying to keep the car on the road with its unaccustomed handling... Christ!>>完整场景
He raises a bottle of bourbon and knocks it back. The radio plays softly, painfully romantic, taunting him: You stepped out of a dream... You are too wonderful... To be what you seem... He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag. He lays it in his lap and unwraps it carefully -- -- revealing a .38 revolver. Oily, black, evil.>>完整场景

 !لكن مثل ملكنا قبل الثورة، كان متواطئاً مع الغرب، ولا يعرف سوى مصلحته الشخصية (But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self interest at heart!) On one side of the road a soldier is seen pinning a civilian and then gutting him. On the other several soldiers are firing into buildings, breaching them to clear them out of any civilians loyal to Al-Fulani. The car continues to follow the BMP for some time. Civilians run out of an alley and up the street between the car and the BMP. Soldiers come out after them and shoot them dead, avoiding hitting the car in the crossfire. The BMP stops near a market place, soldiers get out from the troop compartment in the back and start shooting and stabbing the shoppers. The car goes down a hill. At the bottom a garbage can is rolling with a human under it. The human gets out and is shot from behind. The car comes to an intersection. A truck chock full of soldiers goes ahead of the car. The other roads are swarmed with soldiers. The car follows the truck. They come to a fork. The truck goes left. In the middle is an empty concrete area behind a building. Many civilians are lined up against it with their hands behind their heads and their faces against the brick. Several civilians are on the ground being arrested by soldiers.
Captain Price:

On my mark - go. They move in and engage hostiles spread throughout the compartment. They clear the room.
