
vi. 上船或飞机;从事,着手


Sir, uh... my team and I are about to embark on a, uh... a tour of the country so that we may make an assessment to precisely understand what is required of us here.>>完整场景
I see. For reasons you cannot disclose, fearing ramifications you will not explain, you feel sufficiently anxious to embark upon a course of therapy in which you have no faith? You already owe me a shilling.>>完整场景
(interrupting) Sir, you must act NOW. You have two men about to embark on a suicide mission; you have number two, four and five on the President’s East Africa kill list in your sights - and you are putting the whole operation at risk because of one collateral damage issue?! I realize this mission is your call, but there will be some mighty angry people here in the White House, and at the Pentagon, and out there in the world, if you allow these people to leave and blow a shopping mall to kingdom come.>>完整场景
After a night of magic, I embark with Dany on the most daring balloon flight of the journey in the deep canyon over the Zambezi rapids.>>完整场景