
n. 精力;能量;活力;精神


Neil looks up as BLACK SMOKE GATHERS, FORMING A MASSIVE CLOUD OVER THE PLANE... a SHOCK WAVE starts to BUILD in the air around them – the Protagonist PULLS Kat and Neil under the fuselage as CURTAINS of FIRE start GATHERING around the wings, CENTRED on a HALF-DESTROYED JET ENGINE – They pass through the hole in the wall LICKED AT BY FLAMES WHICH LEAVE FROST ON THEIR CLOTHES – As they clear start SHAKING CLIMAXES in a REASSEMBLES – into the building, DEBRIS in front of them – they DUCK as the MASSIVE BUILD OF ENERGY CACOPHONOUS REVERSE EXPLOSION as THE JET ENGINE LOOSELY ATTACHED TO THE WING, THRUSTING – INT./EXT. FREEPORT SHIPPING AREA – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist draws his gun – turns to Neil –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Meanwhile, across town in - INT. BRUCE WAYNE'S APARTMENT - DAY BRUCE is A BALL OF NERVOUS ENERGY; Outside, the RAIN beats down on his window.
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We love your energy.
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It's 3 a.m.. okay? I don't have the energy to defend an unfinished design.
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THEN... AS COMBAT DRUMS BEGIN TO BEAT ON THE SOUNDTRACK, she begins to concentrate. Her eyes focus on the wood above her, her left hand reaches out, touches the pine, passing her energy to it Her long, white fingers, ball up into a FIST. and that FIST begins STRIKING the coffin lid above her.
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She moves in front of the wall.....Takes her position...Her right hand in a fist -- Locked and loaded into position.... With Her left hand she reaches out and touches the wall where she'll strike....Like she's transferring her energy into the wood...She removes her left hand...and...STRIKES! She hits it HARD, but her fist doesn't go through.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
From her hiding place, Yuki snorts a line of baby blue powder. It gives her energy.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
O-REN(JAPANESE) Swords however never get tired. I hope you've saved your energy. If you haven't, you might not last five minutes.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
banks, investment companies, hospitals, insurance, the energy sector, coal and oil, education, the media, even small businesses.
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Well, it seems that the answer may lie in incredibly small particles of vibrating energy that we call superstrings.
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The great Bill Parrish at a loss for words? The man from whose lips fall 'rapture' and 'passion' and 'obses- sion'...all those admonitions about being 'deliberately happy', what there is no sense 'living your life without...', all the sparks and energy you give off, the rosy advice you dispense in round, pear-shaped tones --
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