adj. 可利用的;有效的,可得的;空闲的
- console instance variables:
- Now, let me show you one of the first feature here. If we do raise exception inside the index action, "rails 'some exception' " you will see that Rails provides some really nice interface for dealing with that exception, seeing exactly where it happened. If I'm reloading here, you can see the line, it was raised on the source code that's around it, you can see a full trace. And down here, we even have a console! So, you can interact with the instance variables that have been set for this index actions, here's just at posts that's been made available.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now , Rails has a bunch of different ways you can do the CSS, there's also a path where you can use Tailwind. Lots of people like that for good reason, and there are a bunch of different options, all the major CSS frameworks are available, but by default, we ship with a no build, as I said, intention and simple CSS just make things look prettier without having to adorn anything with classes, or what have you.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- If we jump into the post model, you'll see there's actually nothing here. Everything in the post model is made available through introspection. So, a new post model will look at the schema for that table, and it will know that there is a title and there is a body, and we can access that title and that body directly through this post object.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- if a job in a company is vacant , nobody is doing it and it is available for sb to take
如果一家公司的职位空缺,没有人做,有人可以做>> Taxi- With over 50 badges available, it’s a practical way to set goals and track your progress.
有50多个徽章可供选择,这是一种设定目标和跟踪进度的实用方法。>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife- Zinc lozenges are available online and at most pharmacies. They may contain other ingredients, such as echinacea. You usually dissolve one in your mouth. Check the manufacturer’s directions to see how often you should do so.
锌含片可以在网上和大多数药店买到。它们可能含有其他成分,如紫锥菊。你通常在嘴里溶解一个。查看制造商的说明,看看你应该多久这样做一次。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- DGL is also available as a mouth patch to help shrink canker sores. You apply the patch to a sore and leave it in place for at least 30 minutes.
DGL也可作为口腔贴片,帮助缩小口腔溃疡。你将贴片贴在疮上,并放置至少30分钟。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- 12. DGL mouthwash, DGL mouthwash contains deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), an herbal licorice extract. It may reduce pain and healing time in people with mouth ulcers, due to its anti-inflammatory abilities, according to 2022 research. Some people also use it as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers. DGL is available in supplement form, which you can use to make mouthwash.
12.DGL漱口水,DGL漱口水含有去甘草酸甘草(DGL),一种草本甘草提取物。2022年的研究表明,由于其抗炎能力,它可能会减少口腔溃疡患者的疼痛和愈合时间。有些人还将其用作治疗胃溃疡的天然药物。DGL以补充剂的形式提供,您可以用它来制作漱口水。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- And yes, this is now true about CSS as well. Here’s the same chart for our CSS. Individual files, relying exclusively on standardized CSS available in the latest evergreen versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
是的,现在CSS也是如此。这是我们CSS的相同图表。单个文件,完全依赖于Chrome、Safari和Firefox最新常青版本中提供的标准化CSS。>> Rails8- Solid Queue:
- Solid Queue Solid Queue replaces the need for not just Redis, but also a separate job-running framework, like Resque, Delayed Job, or Sidekiq, for most people. For high-performance installations, it’s built on the new FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED mechanism first introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5, but now also available in MySQL 8.0 and beyond. For more modest needs, it also works with SQLite, which makes it ideal for that no-dependency path to the first HELLO WORLD dopamine hit you get from seeing your work in production right away.
Solid Queue Solid Queue不仅取代了Redis,还取代了大多数人对单独的作业运行框架的需求,如Resque、Delayed job或Sidekiq。对于高性能安装,它建立在PostgreSQL 9.5中首次引入的新的For UPDATE SKIP LOCKED机制之上,但现在MySQL 8.0及更高版本也提供了该机制。对于更温和的需求,它也适用于SQLite,这使其成为您在生产中立即看到您的工作时获得第一个HELLO WORLD多巴胺的无依赖路径的理想选择。>> Rails8- If you're not sure which methods are effective and what is available out there, just check out polyglots' YouTube channels and websites and get inspiration from them. If it works for them it will most probably work for you too.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- This is how polyglots learn languages, and the best news is it's available to anyone who is willing to take the learning into their own hands.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- - You're available the whole weekend ?>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Yeah, this is Chesler. I need every available MPs on sub-level 6. We have a potential breach.>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- Doc:
- I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drug store, but in 1955, it's a little hard to come by. Marty, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're stuck here.>> Back to the Future 回到未来 1985 Movie Script
- ...transfer twelve more destroyers to Atlantic Fleet, and all the available anti-aircraft weaponry?! Washington has gone insane!>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- A bathing suit is just a bathing costume worn by people while swimming. The bathing suit covers the body and helps to protect the skin from the sun and other environmental factors. There is a variety of bathing suits available, and the type of bathing suit worn depends on the activity in which it will be used. For example, a bathing suit worn for surfing will differ from a bathing suit worn for sunbathing. When choosing a bathing suit, it is important to consider the activity in which it will be used and the climate it will be worn. Bathing suits are available in various colors, patterns, and styles and can be purchased at many retail stores.
泳衣只是人们游泳时穿的泳衣。泳衣覆盖身体,有助于保护皮肤免受阳光和其他环境因素的影响。有各种各样的泳衣可供选择,所穿泳衣的类型取决于将要使用的活动。例如,冲浪时穿的泳衣与日光浴时穿的不同。在选择泳衣时,重要的是要考虑泳衣的使用活动和穿着的气候。泳衣有各种颜色、图案和款式,可以在许多零售店购买。>> 2024-03 double-sided- They push it into the first available room. MICHAEL peeks out from the door. The footsteps are louder; then they emerge. It is ENZO, NAZORINE's helper, carrying a bouquet of flowers.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- PAULIE'S CAR AT MATTRESS (WINTER 1945) The car is parked in the City. PAULIE comes down from an available apartment and gets back into the car.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- Can you let John know that I've been thinking about it, and, I wanted to check and see if the job was still available.>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
- As for Secretary Bailey, he was not available for any statement at this time.>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
- The remaining Indians were discouraged. Five Indians were dead, and the battle not five minutes old. Augustus replaced his cartridges and killed a sixth as the Indians were retreating. He might have got one or two more, but decided against risking long shots when his situation was so chancy. There might be more Indians available nearby, though he considered it unlikely. Probably they had charged with all they had—in which case he had killed half of them.With no shooting to do for a little while, Augustus took stock of the situation and decided the worst part of it was that he had no one to talk to. He had been within a minute or two of death, which could not be said to be boring, exactly—but even desperate battle was lacking in something if there was no one to discuss it with. What had made battle interesting over the years was not his opponents but his’ colleagues. It was fascinating, at least to him, to see how the men he had fought with most often reacted to the stimulus of attack.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I gave twenty-eight skunk hides for her,” the old man said suddenly. “You got any whiskey?” In fact, Roscoe did have a bottle that he had bought off the soldiers. He could already smell frying meat—the possum, no doubt—and his appetite came back. He had nothing in his stomach and could think of little he would rather eat than a nice piece of fried possum. Around Fort Smith the Negroes kept the possums thinned out; they were seldom available on the tables of white folks.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It was not every night that he remembered Mary, though. Much of the time he found himself wondering about the generalities of marriage. The principal aspect he worried over most was that marriage required men and women to live together. He had tried many times to envision how it would be to be alone at night under the same roof with a woman—or to have one there at breakfast and supper. What kind of talk would a woman expect? And what kind of behavior. It stumped him: he couldn’t even make a guess. Once in a while it occurred to him that he could tell Mary he would like to marry her but didn’t consider himself worthy to live under the same roof with her. If he put it right she might take a liberal attitude and allow him to continue to live down the street with the boys, that being what he was used to. He would plan, of course, to make himself available for chores when she required him—otherwise life could go on in its accustomed way.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- But the storm had a start on both of them, and before he even got there the rain began to pour down, turning the white dust brown. Most women would have seen at that point that the wash was a lost cause and run for the house, but Mary wasn’t running. Her skirt was already so wet it was plastered to her legs, but she was still struggling with one of the flapping sheets. In the struggle, two or three small garments that she had already gathered up blew out of her hand and off across the yard, which had begun to look like a shallow lake. Pea hurried to retrieve the garments and then helped Mary get the wet sheet off the line—she was evidently just doing it out of pure stubbornness, since the sun was shining brightly to the west of the storm and would obviously be available to dry the sheet again in a few minutes.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇