
n. 学期;术语;条款;期限


Nautical term.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
It was not an alias. GODFATHER was a term of affection, used by his friends, one of respect.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
It's time to start thinking long term.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
“Spoon, how’d you like to be a regulator?” he asked a little later. “I recall from stories I’ve heard that you can shoot a gun.” “What is a regulator?” Jake asked. “I’ve not heard the term.” “Folks up in Kansas are getting tired of these Texas cattle tramping in constantly,” Dan said. “They want this trail-driving business regulated.” “Regulated how?” “Well, taxed,” Dan said. “People can’t go on driving cattle just anywhere. If they want to cross certain rivers at certain crossings, they’ve got to pay for the privilege. If they won’t pay in cash, then they’ve got to pay in cattle.” “Is it the law in Kansas, or what?” Jake asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Growth is inevitable, but can we maintain this momentum in the long term ?
>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
"Monster" is a relative term.
>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
A few weeks left in the term, I'll just stay put.
>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
* * * LUCAS SOLOMON: There’s a term we have around here, we don’t like to use it often, only when circumstancesdictate. It’s called a “Grenada.” Inspired by our government’sinvasion in 1983 of the island nation of only 90,000 people, basically it stands for any casewe get which is pretty much unloseable.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
MARK HANNA: High is the only way to do this f***ing job. Guy who coined the term “three-martini lunch” was a woman. Cocaine and hookers, my friend, the keys to success.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
156 ANOTHER DAY 156 RICHIE DIMASO: A $100,000 into this briefcase for two term United States Senator Horton Mitchell of New Jersey.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
Tell me Karl, have you ever heard ofthe term “involuntary servitude?” Karl shakes his head.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
When did the term "doctor" get treated with such reverence, as, "Right this way, Doctor Smith"... or, "Excuse me, Dr. Scholl, what wonderful footpads"... or, "Pardon me, Dr. Patterson, but your flatulence has no odor" ?
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
I use that term broadly, but is not a doctor someone who helps someone else ?
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
When someone visits your website, Ahoy creates a visit with lots of useful information.
traffic source - referrer, referring domain, landing page
location - country, region, city, latitude, longitude
technology - browser, OS, device type
utm parameters - source, medium, term, content, campaign
>> RubyonRails的一些代码知识点
We're in luck, then. The Marine Corps Guide for Sentry Duty, NAVY BASE Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I assume we'll find the term code red and its definition in this book, am I correct?
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
Sir, you see, Code Red is a term we use -- it's just used down at GITMO, sir. I don't know if it actually -- ROSS has produced another book.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
I've heard the term, yes.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
(to JESSEP) I was wondering if you've ever heard the term Code Red.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
It's not the visceral kind of spike you want in short term holdings so I dispensed with all the hard statistics and I went right to the rumor mill.
>> 永无止境 Limitless Movie Script
"Your noggin" is colloquial for "your head".
1. : a person's head.
2. : a small mug or cup.
3. : a small quantity (such as a gill) of drink.

The term NOGGIN was always about the head, but normally it was more about you doing something that involved creative thinking. "That's using your NOGGIN."
“你的脑袋”是口语中“你的头”的意思。1.:一个人的头。2.:一个小杯子。3.:少量的饮料(如一鳃)。 很久以前杯子上会写上 noggin, 表示容量 1/4的品脱pint,它很灵活,可以测量任何液体,也可以用于其他用途,比如一个简单的饮水杯,或者一个可以用来吃的鸡蛋杯,无论是鸡肉还是大鹅的鸡蛋。eggnog 蛋奶酒(用啤酒、葡萄酒等和蛋、牛奶搅拌而成);
>> 2309-World Rally Championship-WRC
2. Consolidate the information concisely onto a flashcard/some other place for long term retention: Once we really understand a topic to be able to explain the core principles without having to use jargon, we should hold onto that understanding. Unfortunately, a large portion of that information that we just gathered is lost within first 48 hours after learning. So note it down somewhere before you lose it. Optimize for spaced-repetition for next sessions.
>> 2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life
93 EXT. O'HARE AIRPORT/LONG TERM PARKING - CHICAGO - 1996 - DUSK93 A fresh layer of snow covers every car in the lot, making them indistinguishable from one another. David and Lipsky walk through the rows of cars, David carrying his knapsack.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
52 EXT. O'HARE AIRPORT/LONG TERM PARKING - CHICAGO - 1996 - DAY 52 Lipsky looks for a place to park the Grand Am.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
465. I'm determined to permit the permanent term on detergent.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
Thank you, Mr. Melon... but we'll be concentrating on finance... a little later in the term.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script