
n. 宽度;广度


Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the width of the blade.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the width of the blade.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
SANDRA's hands separate with expanding width further and further apart until she bursts into a peal of laughter.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
Your ROV should be prepared to measure the length, width and temperature of designated objects, diffuse any potential threats from artillery or biochemical warfare... Did you get to the part where you have to retrieve a liquid from some kind of drum without getting any pool water in it?
>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script