
adj. 疲倦的;厌烦的;令人厌烦的


She smiles as she leaves the photographer, and then lets out a weary sigh to Mama, as she touches the slightly protruding belly.>>完整场景
He is dirty, weary but triumphant. As he walks back through the temple to San De's chambers to report, he sees a group of people walking out the other way.>>完整场景
Call turned south toward San Antonio, thinking he might find a doctor. But when he came to the town he turned and went around it, spooked at the thought of all the people. He didn’t want to go among such a lot of people with his mind so shaky. He rode the weary dun on south, feeling that he might just as well go to Lonesome Dove as anywhere.>>完整场景
“Where on earth, I meant,” Call said, feeling weary. He wondered what had possessed a minister and a boy to run off their horses, each plainly branded. It struck him as a stupid and pointless crime, for they were driving the horses north, where there were no towns and no ranches. It was clear the two were poor, and the old man out of his head. Call could tell the hands were glum at the prospect of hanging such a pair, and he himself didn’t relish it, but they were horse- thieves and he felt he had no choice. His own distaste for the prospect caused him to make a mistake—he didn’t immediately tie the old man, who seemed so weak he could hardly stand. He was not too weak, though, to snatch up a hatchet and strike a blow at Needle that would have killed him had not Needle jerked back—as it was, the blade of the hatchet tore a bad cut in his arm. Call shot the old man before he could strike again. The boy took off running across the open prairie. He was easily caught, of course, but by the time he was tied and led back the old man was dead. The boy sat down in the thin snow and wept.>>完整场景
They started Wilbarger’s horses west across the dark prairie in the direction the cattle should be. Captain Call led, Augustus and Deets rode to the sides, and Pea Eye and Newt brought up the rear. Newt had to admit that Jake’s horse had a beautiful smooth gait, but even so he wished he hadn’t changed horses—not so soon. It seemed wrong to be enjoying Jake’s horse, and his fine saddle too, after what had happened. But he was tired, so tired he didn’t even feel the sadness for very long. Soon his head dropped and he sat on the pacing gelding, sound asleep. Pea Eye noticed and trotted close beside him so he could catch the weary boy if he started to fall off.>>完整场景
He had been lying flat down, for he felt very weary, but he raised up on his elbow to take another swig from the jug, and he and little Eddie saw the three men at the same moment: three men with leveled rifles, standing on the riverbank with the sun at a blinding angle right behind them. Jake had taken off his gun belt—he couldn’t rest comfortably with it on.>>完整场景
“They say it turned him black,” Dish remarked. “I didn’t see it.” Newt was never to see where Bill Spettle was buried. When they rejoined the main herd it was on the move, the grave somewhere behind on the muddy plain. No one knew quite what to say to Pete Spettle, who had somehow held the remuda together all night. He was holding it together still, though he looked weary and stunned.>>完整场景
“They say it turned him black,” Dish remarked. “I didn’t see it.” Newt was never to see where Bill Spettle was buried. When they rejoined the main herd it was on the move, the grave somewhere behind on the muddy plain. No one knew quite what to say to Pete Spettle, who had somehow held the remuda together all night. He was holding it together still, though he looked weary and stunned.>>完整场景
“Because your horse was mixed in with the cattle when we finally got ’em turned,” Pea said. “They all think you’re a dead hero. Maybe I’ll get to be a hero when I tell ’em I found you.” Newt climbed upon Pea’s weary horse, almost too tired to care that his reputation had been saved.>>完整场景
Willie's really weary.>>完整场景
The weary group breathes a sigh of relief.>>完整场景
A sign, my dear apprentice, of a weary soul.>>完整场景
670. After the rehearsal, the weary mechanic repaired the gears with shears and spear.>>完整场景
What do the simpIe foIk do To heIp them escape when they're bIue The shepherd who is aiIing The miIkmaid who is gIum The cobbIer who is waiIing From naiIing his thumb When they're beset and besieged The foIks not nobIesse-Iy obIiged However do they manage To shed their weary Iot Oh, what Do simpIe foIk do We do not I have been informed By those who know them weII They find reIief in quite a cIever way When they're soreIy pressed They whistIe for a speII And whistIing seems To brighten up their day And that's what SimpIe foIk do So they say They just whistIe?>>完整场景
INT. A BATTLEFIELD COMMAND TENT Raoul has just received orders from General Fromberge, who sits at a map table, Raoul salutes and follows a young staff officer from the tent. As Raoul leaves, the General withdraws from his leather field pouch a royal letter -- parchment, with blue and gold seals. Fromberge touches the edge of the parchment to the candle, and burns the letter... EXT. TRENCH - DARKNESS Two men move along a deep trench, the siege works of 17th century siege warfare. One of the men is Raoul, carrying a musket; in his new uniform he looks out of place among the dirty, battle weary men they pass. He is following the STAFF OFFICER who is no older than himself, but whose eyes are already dead, while Raoul's are wide and wild.>>完整场景
Long live the King! Long live the King! Young man came from hunting faint and weary What does ail My Lord, my dearie?>>完整场景
Young man came from hunting faint and weary What does ail My Lord, my dearie?>>完整场景
Chace rubs his eyes, suddenly weary.>>完整场景