
adj. 一般的,最普通的;盛行很广的;占优势的;流行的


Based on... prevailing sentiment of the market and banks, and popular culture... Yes, it's a foolish investment.>>完整场景
490. Details about the tailor's tail are available from the prevailing dailies.>>完整场景
And that the prevailing winds and currents in the Pacific down there... move from east to west.>>完整场景
Well, the prevailing nimbostratus in your area seems to have begun to dissipate under the influence of divergence aloft, associated with veering winds.>>完整场景
I can’t vouch for the handling, friction and wind resistance are reversed. You’re inverted, the world is not. You can’t fight the prevailing wind of entropy. Don’t try flying a plane – it’d fall out of the sky. Once again, you’re inverted, the world is not – and those forces will be pushing back on you continuously.>>完整场景