
adv. 奇怪地;不可思议地;奇妙地


Though he was a little frightened, it was more the mystery of it that affected him. Where did they come from, where would they go? The sunshine glinted strangely off the millions of insects.“Maybe the Indians sent ’em,” he said.>>完整场景
July was hesitant about answering. Roscoe and Joe had both looked at him strangely as he left, and the look bothered him. It was as if both of them were his children—both looked to him for care. Only Janey seemed comfortable being left on the Canadian.>>完整场景
But here there was no sound, not any. The coyotes were silent, the crickets, the locusts, the owls. There was only the sound of his own horse grazing. From him to the stars, in all directions, there was only silence and emptiness. Not the talk of men over their cards, nothing. Though he had ridden hard he felt strangely rested, just from the silence.>>完整场景
It became amusing to her, her power over the man. He had never spoken to her, not one word, and yet he would sit for hours, thirty yards away. It was something, what must go through men’s minds where women were concerned, to cause them to behave so strangely.>>完整场景
“You best come for a day or two,” he said. “Maybe we can find you someplace better than where you left. I’d hate for you to have to go back.” “I ain’t going back,” the girl said. “Old Sam would kill me.” When Roscoe offered her a stirrup up, she looked at him strangely.>>完整场景
For some reason the sound reminded her of July, perhaps because she had never heard him make it. July was reticent about such things and would walk far into the woods when he had to go, to spare her any embarrassment. She found his reticence and shyness strangely irritating—it sometimes made her want to tell him what she had really done before they married. But she held back that truth, and every other truth she knew; she ceased talking to July Johnson at all.>>完整场景
“If he wears that he’ll probably ride off a cliff,” July said, although it was true the boy needed a hat.“He can tie it on with some string,” Roscoe said. “It’ll keep that dern sun out of his eyes.” Now that they were ready, July felt strangely unwilling to leave. It was getting good light—far down the street they could see the river shining, and beyond it a faint glow of red on the horizon. In its awakening hour the town seemed peaceful, lovely, calm. A rooster began to crow.>>完整场景
The Captain looked at him strangely, as if he might have forgotten his name, much less what he was doing there. But it wasn’t the case.>>完整场景
He stands up. A look of confusion crosses his face. He lifts his right hand, the one that he touched the spit with, and looks at it strangely, flexing it.>>完整场景
71EXT. RIVER CANYON - DAY71 Step by step, Grant leads the group down a rusty spiral staircase below the observation room. The stairs end in a lower level. Although we're technically outside, this whole place feel strangely enclosed.>>完整场景
The line catches Eric strangely. It's the first moment of true emotion we've seen him in.>>完整场景
26 OVER THE DARKNESS 26 we hear Amanda's voice, strangely distant but amplified.>>完整场景
High overhead, Ben and Eric are floating in wonderful, quiet splendor. The motor of the boat now sounds strangely distant.>>完整场景
- Not at your service, then - Hans is acting strangely today - Do you know who the other one is?>>完整场景
She kisses him. He tweaks her chin. The crowd HOLLERS in approval, but their moment remains strangely private. OnlyWill is there to witness.>>完整场景
Silence. From everyone. RANDOLPH, ROSS, the M.P.'s, they're all frozen. JO and SAM are likewise. JESSEP seems strangely, quietly relieved. KAFFEE simply takes control of the room now.>>完整场景
A bunch of people with strangely hyperdeveloped skills and powers, who are going to invade Hitler's bunker.>>完整场景
Some smoke, some drink cans of soda, some quietly chat, others just sit and wait. It’s a strangely calm scene.>>完整场景
Then Phillippe's eyes go strangely still; he sees, for the first time in his life, his twin brother, the King.>>完整场景
Confidentially, he's been acting strangely.>>完整场景
And is your heart beating strangely?>>完整场景