
vt. 节约地使用(或管理)n.丈夫


Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?>>完整场景
It's the ghost of a lady widowed before her marriage, I figure it, searching for her husband, lost at sea.>>完整场景
''Oh father, my father!'' ''Give me some time to pray to the Lord.'' The Baroness of Carini had betrayed her husband... and fallen in love with her cousin.>>完整场景
- Good to see you. This is my husband.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - DAY Friends, relatives; Francesca and her new husband, Gardner and their baby; Sandra Corleone; Teresa, her children; all the familiar faces of the family are present, quietly paying their respects to Mama.>>完整场景
Carmella breaks into a smile; which her husband des not acknowledge.>>完整场景
Then what? And what if the Don, a great man, couldn't bring himself to do what he had to do, avenge his son's death by killing his daughter's husband? What if that, finally, was too much for him, and he made Michael his successor, knowing that Michael would take that load off his shoulders, would take that guilt?>>完整场景
INT. VITO'S APARTMENT - MED. VIEW - NIGHT He wife serves a dinner for her husband and his two friends.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) Are you kidding? My husband will kill me if he knows I paid five dollars for one dress.>>完整场景
VIEW ON THE DANCE FLOOR Deanna has been dancing with Fredo; she has gotten drunk and it teasing her husband by flirting with other men on the floor.>>完整场景
MRS. BARRETT Hello, Mrs. Corleone. I'm Fran Barrett, our place is just down the lake. This is my husband, Marshall.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) Don Francesco. You murdered my husband, because he would not bend.>>完整场景
Don Corleone... The smile fades from KAY's face, as she looks at what her husband has become.>>完整场景
(to KAY) And do you know how many men he had killed with Carlo? Just read the papers. That's your husband.>>完整场景
Why do you think he kept Carlo on the Mall? All the time he knew he was going to kill my husband. But he didn't dare while my father was alive. And then he stood Godfather to our child. That coldhearted bastard.>>完整场景
You lousy bastard; you killed my husband...>>完整场景
How is your husband feeling?>>完整场景
I am an American hiding in Sicily from the police of my country. My name is Michael. You can inform the police and make your fortune but then your daughter would lose a father rather than gain a husband.>>完整场景
Is it true what they say about your husband, Sandra?>>完整场景
Her husband is in jail.>>完整场景
You got that mortgage from my husband with threats, with political blackmail!>>完整场景
-My husband wants to meet you.>>完整场景
She can no longer drink in small cafs because her husband has given orders against it.>>完整场景
Since my husband died, they haven't left me in peace.>>完整场景
My husband goes bankrupt and runs off to South America, leaving his wife and little daughter penniless.>>完整场景