
adj. 孤独的;独居的


The solitary WAITER brings a bottle of wine to the table.>>完整场景
The guests have all gone home; the party pavilions have been cleared away. And now in the blue dusk, a solitary lady walks. She is Anne of Austria, the Queen Mother, the lady we saw in the opening.>>完整场景
Unlike white rhinos, black rhinos are reclusive solitary animals, seldom seen during the day.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) I laughed myself right into solitary. Two week stretch.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) ...the other half, it landed him in solitary. Warden Norton's "grain & drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want.>>完整场景
I told you, 'watch it'. Silence. Now Joe turns on his heel, heads right out the front door. Parrish is left solitary, confounded, staring at the closed door. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM AREA, NEW YORK HOSPITAL - DAY Joe walks down a hallway, a bouquet of flowers in hand, looks around the usual feverish activity, he seems lost for the moment, but a Receptionist catches his eye.>>完整场景