
vt. 不喜欢,厌恶


(he puts the money in Roberto's hand) Do me this little favor, just take it and think carefully. Tomorrow morning if you want to give me the money back, by all means do so. If you want the woman out of your house, how can I stop you? It's your property, after all. If you don't want the dog in there, I can understand. I dislike dogs myself.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
They don’t know it, but the wrath of the Lord is about to descend upon them. I dislike bold criminals of whatever race, and I believe I’ll go see that they pay their debts.” “I’d best go with you,” July said. “You don’t know how many there are.” “Let’s go make camp,” Augustus said. “Then we’ll think it out.” They rode upriver a mile, stopping where the mouth of a canyon sloped down to the riverbed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Before he had been gone from Fort Smith much more than three hours, he had the bad luck to run into a bunch of wild pigs. For some reason Memphis, his mount, had an unreasoning fear of pigs, and this particular bunch of pigs had a strong dislike of white horses, or perhaps of deputy sheriffs. Before Roscoe had much more than noticed the pigs he was in a runaway. Fortunately the pines were not too thick, or Roscoe felt he would not have survived. The pigs were led by a big brown boar that was swifter than most pigs; the boar was nearly on them before Memphis got his speed up. Roscoe yanked out his pistol and shot at the boar till the pistol was empty, but he missed every time, and when he tried to reload, racing through the trees with a lot of pigs after him, he just dropped his bullets. He had a rifle but was afraid to get it out for fear he’d drop that too.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus dismounted and tightened his cinch a notch. “I hope we don’t strike too many gullies,” he said. “I dislike jumping gullies in the dark.” Newt’s heart gave a little jump when he realized the Captain meant to keep him with him. It must mean the Captain thought he was worth something, after all, though he had no idea how to catch a wrangler, Mexican or otherwise.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In fact, though, Gus McCrae was a cool customer, perhaps the coolest Call had ever known—and he had known many men who didn’t scare easy. His disregard of danger was so complete that Call initially thought he must want to die. He had known men who did want to die—who for some reason had ended up with a dislike of life—and most of them had got the death they wanted. In Texas, in his time, getting killed was easy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Next he had put his name and Call’s, his first because he was two years older and felt seniority should be honored. Call didn’t care—his pride ran in other directions. Anyway he soon came to dislike the sign so much that he would just as soon not have had his name on it at all.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Whiskey,” Jake said. “He was bull drunk. Before I even noticed, he took a dislike to my dress and pulled his Colt.” “Well, I don’t know what took you to Arkansas in the first place, Jake,” Augustus said. “A fancy dresser like yourself is bound to excite comment in them parts.” Call had found, over the years, that it only did to believe half of what Jake said. Jake was not a bald liar, but once he thought over a scrape, his imagination sort of worked on it and shaded it in his own favor.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
What do you dislike about my Lionel?
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
128. Wherever I go, nowhere I like; I dislike everywhere.128. 无论我到哪里,没有哪里为我喜欢,我讨厌每一个地方。
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