
n. 花岗岩;坚毅;冷酷无情


Your happiness is like writing on the surface of the water, and the pain is like on granite.>>完整场景
I remember looking through a telescope up at this huge granite wall, and guys climbing thousands of feet up.>>完整场景
EXT./EST. SAN FRANCISCO SKYSCRAPER - DAY 80 stories of polished granite.>>完整场景
Look at the dog. He's as hard as a piece of granite.>>完整场景
We pan out the window to — EXT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING – MOMENTS LATER A large gargoyle sits hunched on the granite facade of the justice building.>>完整场景
Silted granite. There's some graded limestone, from when they cut this place out of the hill.>>完整场景
One side of Getty's face has gone completely slack:
he'sobviously suffered a stroke in the night. He steps into hisslippers and shuffles along the marble floors in his pajamas - INT. GETTY MANSION -- NIGHT -- into a granite corridor peopled by stone figures fromanother age. He has no idea where he is.>>完整场景

INT. LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON The room is thick with mourners. Most are gathered around the GIRL'S MOTHER, a young woman in her late twenties. As she moves through the room to the kitchen, she receives the many cards, hugs, and flowers that are offered as condolence. Mrs. Collins leaves the living room. Malcolm watches breathlessly from the doorway as Cole moves through the many adults across the room. The girl's father, MR. COLLINS, a thin man in his late twenties, is seated on the reading chair next to a T.V. His face is granite. No one in the room dares to talk to him. He stares statue-like at an abstract point in the room.
And I want to get into my apartment and go to work. Please, what do you say, another cup of coffee? Two pots are warming behind the counter, he reaches over and refills her cup and his. Pushes a container and pitcher to- wards her. YOUNG MAN (cont'd) I see you use lots of sugar and cream. Me, too... They smile at each other, fix up their coffee. EXT. PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS, NEW YORK CITY - DAY A magnificent granite building, a monument to good taste in the midtown sea of glass and aluminum. INT. OUTER LOBBY, PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS - DAY Parrish and Drew enter, no particular fanfare but an aware- ness the 'Chief' has arrived, everyone giving Parrish the appropriate wide berth, Drew right beside him.>>完整场景