
adj. 磨损的;弄垮的;破旧的;受到虐待的


(singing) Oh Sandra...I like you...love you... He's terrible. The nurses pelt him with hairbrushes, curlers, shoes... EXT. BASSINGBORNE AIRFIELD - BRITAIN - DAY Coming out of the blustery skies at the end of another deadly day, a squadron of Spitfires chirps in for landings. The planes are shot up and battered.>>完整场景
Every night I look at the sunset, and try to draw the last ounce of heat from its long day... She looks toward the sunset now; then she writes again... EXT. BASSINGBORNE AIRFIELD - BRITAIN - NIGHT Rafe brings his battered plane in for a landing... INT. BRITISH AIRFIELD BARRACKS - NIGHT Rafe sits on his cot, reading her letter.>>完整场景
Jack Kerouac: Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW'S CORNER Kwan sheepishly offers him a sip of water from a battered paper cup.>>完整场景
The caution about pigs ended the sign to Augustus’s satisfaction, at least for a while, but after a year or two had passed, he decided it would add dignity to it all if the sign ended with a Latin motto. He had an old Latin schoolbook that had belonged to his father; it was thoroughly battered from having been in his saddlebags for years. It had a few pages of mottoes in the back, and Augustus spent many happy hours poring over them, trying to decide which might look best at the bottom of the sign. Unfortunately the mottoes had not been translated, perhaps because by the time the students got to the back of the book they were supposed to be able to read Latin. Augustus had had only a fleeting contact with the language and had no real opportunity to improve his knowledge; once he had been caught in an ice storm on the plains and had torn out a number of pages of the grammar in order to get a fire started. He had kept himself from freezing, but at the cost of most of the grammar and vocabulary; what was left didn’t help him much with the mottoes at the end of the book. However, it was his view that Latin was mostly for looks anyway, and he devoted himself to the mottoes in order to find one with the best look. The one he settled on was Uva uvam vivendo varia fit, which seemed to him a beautiful motto, whatever it meant. One day when nobody was around he went out and lettered it onto the bottom of the sign, just below “We Don’t Rent Pigs.” Then he felt that his handiwork was complete. The whole sign read: HAT CREEK CATTLE COMPANY AND LIVERY EMPORIUM CAPT. AUGUSTUS MCCRAE—CAPTAIN W. F. CALL (PROPS.) P. E. PARKER (WRANGLER) DEETS, JOSHUA>>完整场景
Suddenly, the plane is YANKED from the side to side. Battered this way and that, the terrified passengers tightly grip their seats.>>完整场景
Sticking out of the water, the imposing reef is being battered by waves.>>完整场景
52 INT. LIVING AREA, LOGUE'S FLAT - CONTINUOUS 52 Bertie looks around the cluttered, but pleasant room: comfortable furniture a bit battered by the boys, antimacassars to hide the wear spots on the arms, family photos everywhere, well-used Turkish rug on the floor.>>完整场景
EXT. AMOS CALLOWAY’S TRAILER - NIGHT Under a full moon, Edward walks up to the battered camper, and is about to knock when he notices it’s rocking. A lot.>>完整场景
EXT. THE DARK FOREST - DAY [LATER] Edward is bruised, battered and bee-stung.>>完整场景
53 EXT. QUIET SIDE STREET - PARKLANDS - MIDDAY 53 JAMA rounds a corner and approaches a battered commercial van marked “Ruaka Engineering Services” parked on a quiet street.>>完整场景
Slowly, GORDON gets to his feet and heads home to the — INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE GORDON'S APARTMENT - LATER GORDON drags his battered body slowly down the hall to his door. He enters.>>完整场景
EXT. AGIP GAS STATION -- DAY Closed. A cardboard sign on the pump reads "NIENTE BENZINA -NO GAS." Gail pulls up in front of a battered pay phone.>>完整场景