
vt. 刺穿;洞察;响彻;深深地打动


Occasionally, when he caught Clara looking at him, he almost flinched, for he did not imagine that he could hide anything from her. She was too smart—he had the sense that she could figure out anything. Her eyes were mysterious to him—often she seemed to be amused by him, at other times irritated. Sometimes her eyes seemed to pierce him, as if she had decided to read his thoughts as she would read a book. And then, in a moment, she would lift her head and ignore him, as if he were a book she had glanced through and found too uninteresting for further perusal.>>完整场景
I have some rather painfuI news ReIative to the subject who's To be beside me at the next court baII You were the chosen one, I know But it's tradition it shouId go To the unquestioned champion In the haII And I'm convinced That spIendid Frenchman Can easiIy conquer one and aII And besting aII our IocaI Henchmen, he ShouId sit beside me At the baII I beg of you, Ma'am WithhoId your invitation I swear to you this chaIIenge WiII be met And when I have finished up The operation I shaII serve him to Your Highness En brochette You'II pierce right through him?>>完整场景
[Jace] You have to keep your precious payload alive, and you want it to pierce through the air in a beautiful parabolic trajectory.>>完整场景