
n. 应答;回应


He continues past her, without answering her. Continues up to the boathouse. He stops before he enters.>>完整场景
Michael had checked this point with Hagen, before answering, and then once again after the answer.>>完整场景
Michael is openly disturbed that Hagen is not there. He hangs up without answering.>>完整场景
Moodily, the boy stops, turns, and walks back to his table of honor without answering her.>>完整场景
l don't know if l'd be answering right.>>完整场景
And the answering YESSSS booms like summer thunder.>>完整场景
Then it stopped. Everyone expected to see the bull down—but the bull wasn’t down. Neither was the bear. They broke apart, circling one another in the dust. Everyone prepared to pour bullets into the bear if he should charge their way, but the bear didn’t charge. He snarled at the bull, the bull answering with a slobbery bellow. The bull turned back toward the herd, then stopped and faced the bear. The bear rose on his hind legs again, still snarling—one side was soaked with blood. To the men, the bear seemed to tower over them, although fifty yards away. In a minute he dropped back on all fours, roared once more at the bull, and disappeared into the brush along the creek.>>完整场景
Deets, without answering, removed the rifle from Jake’s saddle scabbard.>>完整场景
July was hesitant about answering. Roscoe and Joe had both looked at him strangely as he left, and the look bothered him. It was as if both of them were his children—both looked to him for care. Only Janey seemed comfortable being left on the Canadian.>>完整场景
To Roscoe it seemed a bold question, and he took his time answering it. Once about twenty years earlier he had fancied agirl named Betsie and had been thinking about asking her to take a walk with him some night. But he was shy, and while he was getting around to asking, Betsie died of smallpox. He had always regretted that they never got to take their walk, but after that he hadn’t tried to have much to do with women.>>完整场景
Mr. Arnold? He's not answering me. Okay I'm on the grating.>>完整场景
Dives for it, answering...>>完整场景
INT. FOYER - DUSK Headed out, Will grabs his keys off the table. We LOOK RIGHT, where the “MESSAGE” light blinks on the answering machine.>>完整场景
Do you remember answering in the affirmative?>>完整场景
- If the allergic dog client calls, I'm not answering it, otherwise it's all yours.>>完整场景
But I'm warning you... - If mom calls, I'm not answering.>>完整场景
399 SELENA 399 sees an open rooftop door at the top of a flight ofstairs and charges upward without answering.>>完整场景
64 INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 64 CLOSE ON PHONE, connected to the answering machine. The outgoing message trigger after the second ring.>>完整场景
Ginger enters, stopping beside their phone answering machine.>>完整场景
I made four dates with your answering machine.>>完整场景
She draws back; he tries to hold her. But the thoughts of answering that question makes her stiffen.>>完整场景
lt's my answering machine.>>完整场景
This is an answering machine.>>完整场景
- You're not answering my question.>>完整场景
(over radio) Candy is on the line tonight. Candy's answering the phones, give Candy your request, your dedication, and ask her why she won't go out with me, would you? Here's more music.>>完整场景