n. 潜水艇;海底生物
- -- The Japanese submarines heading in.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- CAPTAIN OF THE WARD Fleet command, from destroyer Ward. Have fired upon and sunk enemy submarine seeking to enter Pearl Harbor.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- EXT. OCEAN SURFACE - NIGHT The periscope of the submarine breaks the surface.
外海面-夜晚潜艇的潜望镜露出水面。>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script- EXT. UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE PACIFIC - NIGHT A Japanese submarine with a midget sub attached to its hull runs silently toward Pearl Harbor.
太平洋下的夜晚,一艘日本潜艇带着一艘小型潜艇,悄无声息地驶向珍珠港。>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script- YAMAMOTO:
- The submarines will be reaching the harbor soon. I hope they don't set off the alarm too soon.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to explore a sunken World War II submarine and the surrounding area.>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
- - What do you got, a submarine?
-你有什么,潜水艇吗?>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script- 518. The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent.>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- She turns and scan the gloomy interior, which reveals itself to be less than savory. Pool tables and upper-middle lowlife in submarine depths of smoky haze.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Like sonar on a submarine.>> Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove Movie Script