
adj. 现在的;最近的;草写的;流通的,通用的


Two, that unless we find a way to defeat the Minbari the Human race ends with the current generation.>>完整场景
That's the current state of our aerospace industry.>>完整场景
The current outside the gate is rushing by, and the boat is already caught in the current; it's pulling away and the Musketeers can't stop it. Athos seizes Phillippe's legs and tries to hold him, but the pressure of the current is great, and now not only Louis but some of the young Musketeers are helping hold Phillippe.>>完整场景
In the deepest part of the valley where the current is the strongest, the water flow opens up wide channels that meander downstream like giant snakes.>>完整场景
The propeller at the back gives us the ability to steer instead of merely drifting along with the wind current.>>完整场景
Oh, yeah, feedback from the electrodes, current.>>完整场景
They'll start by telling us... If you're intending to galvanize the people of this country against the current king, there has to be a realistic strategy.>>完整场景
They've obviously been vilified, probably more than any retailer in our current economy.>>完整场景
Clearly our current approach to food oversight and protection is not meeting the needs of American families.>>完整场景
Or maybe he has - In the current issue of Millennium magazine, he now charges the same company that successfully sued him - Before the sh*t hits the fan.>>完整场景
The current archive is on CDs, The older stuff, still negatives.>>完整场景
I must point out that when shipped separately, the weapons and the aircraft both comply with current Interpol trade standards and practices.>>完整场景
This current state of chaos won't last forever.>>完整场景
We are sure that the river is wide and that the current is strong.>>完整场景
I can name names. I am willing to testify. I believe my current notoriety with the news media makes this the perfect time to bring this matter to the public. If we hold a press conference...>>完整场景
Final chapter "The blood-splattered BRIDE" INT. BILL'S HACIENDA - DAY Bill on the patio of his beautiful hacienda home(named Villa Quatro) located on the beach in Mexico. At the moment Bill partaking of his current hobby......Flower Arranging.>>完整场景
She doesn't say anything, nor will an actress of Uma Thurman's caliber indicate her feelings, but the astute member of the audience will read the significance of her choice. His current status be damned, the Budd who owes The Bride satisfaction was a warrior. And it's that Budd she intends to send to his maker.>>完整场景
Leeham's current condition.>>完整场景
River current and Moss's strokes speed him away.>>完整场景
Cpt. Price:

Right. What the hell kind of name is Soap, eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection? Soap, it's your turn for the C.Q.B. test. Everyone else head to observation. For this test you'll have to run the cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. Gaz holds the current squadron record at 19 seconds. Good luck. Climb the ladder over there. Soap climbs the ladder to the top of the course.