
n. 宽恕;宽仁之心


It's too late to earn my forgiveness.>>完整场景
You've gotta sin some, to get forgiveness. Come with us, Evelyn. You need some sin.>>完整场景
''There will be no forgiveness!'' Her father stabbed her through the heart.>>完整场景
Don't overestimate the power of forgiveness.>>完整场景
lt seems that, in today's world, the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness.>>完整场景
The actions of one... Today begs for the Buddha's forgiveness.>>完整场景
- Ask for forgiveness.>>完整场景
But there is no forgiveness for men like you, gero.>>完整场景
Won't have to go too far to pray for forgiveness.>>完整场景
So often, in the past I wouId Iook in your eyes and I wouId find there forgiveness.>>完整场景
I have sinned. And no other priest's assurance of forgiveness can mean as much as yours. Tell me that I can be forgiven, no matter what I have done.>>完整场景
ARAMIS' VOICE A priest, even a Pope, he could kill without hesitation, but he was afraid to kill you, for his whole claim to power rests on the sanctity of royal blood. So he had you hidden in a way that only a monster could devise. I know, for it was I who took you to prison, and the Iron Mask. Someday I will ask your forgiveness. But not until we have restored to you what is yours.>>完整场景
... And I only say that... the rotten food was... all my fault... and I take... full responsibility... and beg the forgiveness of you all.>>完整场景
I observe your forgiveness isn't sweeter than a plump nipple.>>完整场景
I will not ask your forgiveness because what I have done to you is unforgivable.>>完整场景
Be that as it may, I know I do not deserve mercy or forgiveness.>>完整场景
Well that's a demonstration of Bill's complete ignorance when it comes to the subject of me, and what I'm thinking, and what I might do. It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack, not rationality.>>完整场景