
adj. 不一致的;前后矛盾的


Our partners set the criteria to participate in each survey.We use screener questions to see if you are a good fit. If not, try another option. If so, you must meet all other posted requirements, including our Terms, to earn the award. We'll tell you when to expect credit (if not right away). If your responses are inaccurate, inconsistent, or dishonest, or you "speed" through, you may be restricted from future surveys and/or not receive credit for those you completed. You must not share survey contents (including images or media) or your answers-whether online or anywhere else. These are serious violations of our Terms that can lead us to deactivate your account and/or claw back awards. What is your education level? Elementary School Middle School Completed some high school High school graduate Other post high school vocational training Completed some college Associates Degree Bachelor's degree Completed some postgraduate Masters degree Doctorate /PhD None of the above/Prefer not to answer
>> 2024-7 beverage and allergic
Myron Golden:
People will never behave consistently in a way that's inconsistent with their program in fact your programming runs on your subconscious mind.
人们永远不会以与他们的program不一致的方式始终如一地行事,事实上,你的program是在你的潜意识中运行的。 美 /ˌsʌbˈkɑːnʃəs/
>> 2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life
Liv, the readings here, they're inconsistent.
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