
adj. 继续存在的;未死的;依然健在的


Sydney struggles to help Irving to his feet and together, anembattled but surviving couple, they cross the street arm andarm. She opens the door and helps him into the car.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
Working for my supper and few bucks is just surviving.
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After the ceremony, the surviving team... saw the coffins of their fallen comrades... loaded onto an airplane to bring them home together.
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158 GUERRILLAS 158 charge inside with AKs BLAZING. Surviving soldiers andfederales SHOOT back.
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Surviving it is the whole point.
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They were on a mission to murder the surviving crew of the Lexington.
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You need to think about surviving first.
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(muffled yelling) But 12 years since she escaped her captors surviving on the dark streets of Draiga.
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Promotion for surviving.
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Miller coldly glances at the dead and wounded. Then he moves on, leading his surviving men toward the two remaining German bunkers. The SOUNDS OF BIG GUNS and MACHINE GUNS FIRE surround him. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WAR DEPARTMENT BUILDING - DAY The SOUND OF CLATTERING MACHINE GUN FIRE SEGUES TO that of CLATTERING TYPEWRITERS. A huge government building stands in the heart of Washington, D.C.
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THE LEAD LANDING CRAFT HITS THE BEACH The six surviving boats alongside.
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The surviving cop, with the help of LOEB, manages to stuff the pregnant ANN into the SUV.
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