
n. 文件夹;折叠机;折叠式印刷品


is handed a piece of cake. Roth moves over to a folder of documents.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Hagen brings him a folder; then, as Michael glances through
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Lionel takes five slim folders out of his jacket pocket and puts them on the table in front of Myrtle. She studies them, stunned.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
INT. BASEMENT STORAGE AREA - DAY Perched awkwardly on a canoe, Will’s made it through another file cabinet. He goes through the folders page by page, but usually ends up tossing the whole thing in the trash.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
A PARALEGAL is handing out folders and some photocopied papers to the LAWYERS.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script

EXT. BENCH - AFTERNOON The legend, "Two Years Later" appears. A man flips open a worn file folder on his lap. Handwritten notes fill every line. At the top of the first page reads, "Vincent Gray, age 10, Referred January 19, 1989." The man's hand touches the name almost reverently.He glances through the page. Words and phrases are circled throughout the file. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The man's hands flip the page. At the top of this new page reads, "Cole Sear, age 8, Referred September 1998." As the man's fingers move through the notes we again see words and phrases circled throughout this new case history. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The hands close the notepad. The hands are slightly shaking now. WE PULL BACK to reveal the shaking hands belong to Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm sits on a sidewalk bench facing a row of brownstone homes across the street. He gazes blankly at the brownstones. Beat. A door opens. Malcolm is brought out of his trance. COLE SEAR steps out his front door. Cole is a munchkin of a boy with large, black eyes that seem to take in everything around him. His hair is dark, with a small patch of jet white on the side. Cole carefully locks the door behind him. He moves to the bottom of the stairs and looks around nervously. Anxiously. The eight-year-old child reaches into his pocket and slips on a pair of VERY LARGE GLASSES. They look comical on him. Malcolm rises to his feet. He smooths out his shirt. Looks down and buttons his jacket. When he looks up, Cole is gone. Malcolm barely catches a glimpse of the boy. Cole runs at full speed down the street and turns the corner. TINY SNEAKERS SCREECHING ON THE SIDEWALK.For a second, Malcolm doesn't react. The second passes. He stuffs the file in his bag and starts running too.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
(bursting) Olympic. Parrish disappears into his office. Drew, on his way out, glides past Jennifer's desk. DREW (cont'd) This is our lucky day. Jennifer acknowledges Drew with a smile, rises and moves to Parrish's doorway, waiting for the day's instructions, but Parrish only nods to the door and Jennifer quickly closes it, returns to her desk. INT. PARRISH'S OFFICE - DAY Alone in his office, Parrish's ebullient mood immediately changes. Leaning against the back of the couch, he stares out through floor-to-ceiling windows, surveying the Manhattan skyline:cogitates. He takes a seat on the couch, opens a folder, suddenly he flinches with a spasm of pain in his shoulder. It is sharp but brief, he notices it but what it does not continue, he ignores it. Parrish resumes looking at the folder when suddenly the pain comes again. He reaches for his shoulder, tries to massage the pain, it does not subside. Parrish stands, trying to shake it off, but it refuses to go away, some- thing is unmistakably wrong. Now a SOUND which he has come to recognize, makes itself heard:VOICE (V.O.) Yes. Frozen with surprise, Parrish's eyes search the room for the source of the SOUND, it comes from no particular direction, yet surrounds him. Suddenly Parrish's symptoms sharply intensify, he is sinking to the floor but somehow grabs a corner of the desk, holds on with one hand, with the other clutches at his shoulder and arm, the pain has violently seized the upper part of his body. He breaks out in a sweat, his pallor now waxen as the Voice repeats itself:VOICE (V.O., cont'd) ...Yes. Parrish grips the edge of the desk, the pain assaulting him on the one hand, the Voice coming at him from the outer, each aberration feeds on the other, he is beside himself, consumed with pain and bewildered by what seems to be a hallucination but which he is certain is not. Parrish is possessed. He angles his face in every direction, arbi- trarily chooses one and now embarrassedly, unconsciously, enrage, responds to the Voice.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
Thank God. Now could we go? Let's get this day started. Drew ushers everybody on, first Parrish, then Susan and Quince, Drew the last to climb on, shuts the door behind him As Allison hurries away from the whirling rotors. INT. ASTAR HELICOPTER - DAY The configuration of seats has Drew beside Parrish, in front of them Quince and Susan opposite each other in single seats. Just as Drew removes color-coded folders from his attache case and spreads them out for Parrish on his tray table, the pilot waves to Drew, indicating 'phone call'. Drew gets up and heads for the cockpit, Parrish scans the folders, glances over at Susan who is making some notes on a file of her own. He motions to her to please come sit beside him, she checks that Drew is still busy in the cockpit, tucks her papers into her carryall, and crosses over to Parrish who folds away the work that Drew set before him into his tray table, locks it.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script