
n. 广告牌;布告板


He stops on the platform for a moment, a huge colorful Chinese billboard in the b.g. A transit cop quickly comes up to him and prods him into motion. Drew walks on, passing a sign that reads "Luoyang".>>完整场景
EXT. RUNWAY - PLANE - NIGHT is getting closer to building. Billboard man is looking at plane, terrified.>>完整场景
is heading toward a building. On the side of the building is a billboard with a man drinking milk.>>完整场景
33 EXT. SUNSET BLVD - DAY 33 Johnny’s P.O.V. out the windshield: Driving past Sunset Plaza in harsh sunlight. People hang out at cafes. A Tom Ford billboard looms overhead.>>完整场景
A sexy girl lit up on a billboard looks at him.>>完整场景