
n. 餐巾;餐巾纸;尿布


A BUSBOY stops by with a fresh napkin for Mark who thankshim. Then, discreetly as possible, Mark removes a freshvial of cocaine tucked within and takes a quick snort.>>完整场景
Leviticus 20:
8. "If a man lies with a woman, having a signatia, made naked as a fountain, and she has uncovered a fountain of blood." She was raped and stabbed, but the cause of death was suffocation with a sanitary napkin.>>完整场景
I'm so tired, Cole. I'm tired in my body. I'm tired in my mind. I'm tired in my heart. I need a little help here. (beat) I don't know if you noticed -- but our little family isn't doing so good. Lynn folds her napkin quietly.>>完整场景
(shaken) ...Nothing. Bobby stares down at him before returning his attention to his tattered napkin. The two boys sit in silence.>>完整场景
See. There. What'd I tell you? Joe watches as Quince dabs at Allison's tears with a napkin. QUINCE (cont'd) Feel better?>>完整场景