n. 击球手;(用鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调成的)糊状物;墙面的倾斜
- She ate the rest of the batter off her own finger and went back to stirring the cake. A minute later Lorena walked into the room and picked up the baby. July was hoping she would take the baby out of the kitchen, but instead she sat down at the table and began to sing to him. Then, to make matters worse, both girls came in and began to make over the baby too. Martin was laughing and trying to grab a spoon away from one of the girls. Clara looked at July again, and the look made him feel a fool. He didn’t get an answer to his question and soon had to go back to doing his chores.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “You don’t have to repeat yourself,” she said. “I heard you. Do you want to give me an opinion on this cinnamon or not?” July felt awkward and embarrassed. He hadn’t meant to ask such a question just then—and yet the question would be asked. He didn’t know what to do about the cake batter, but didn’t feel it proper just to lean over and eat it off her finger.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Instead, Clara did a thing that amazed him—she stuck a finger in the sweet cake batter and held her hand out to him, as if he were just supposed to eat the glob of uncooked cake right off her finger.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- After that, when he took his raw mounts out for a ride, he turned them away from the river as soon as he left the fort.JULY JOHNSON PROPOSED to Clara in the first week of the new year. He had been trying to stop himself from doing just that for months, and then he did it one day when, at her request, he brought in a sack of potatoes. It had been very cold and the potatoes were frozen—Clara wanted them in the warm kitchen to thaw. His son Martin was crawling on the kitchen floor when he came in and Clara was stirring batter for one of the cakes she couldn’t live without. As soon as he sat the frozen potatoes on the table, he did it. “Would you ever marry me?” was the way he put it, and immediately felt a terrible fool for having uttered the words. In the months he had worked for her their relations had been unchanged, and he supposed she would think him drunk or out of his head for raising such a thought.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I like my eggs with just a light fry,” Dish said, morning after morning, only to watch helplessly as Augustus turned them into batter and poured them into a big skillet. “Don’t do that, Gus,” he said. “You’ll get the white and the yellow all mixed up.” “They’re going to get mixed up in your stomach anyway,” Augustus pointed out.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Next batter!>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
- The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?
- 48:
- Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
贝蒂敲打一小块黄油要做一块更好的面糊。>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?
解析:发音难点在于区分Betty[ˈbɛtɪ]、beat[biːt]和bit[bit],以及butter['bʌtər]、better['betər]和batter['bætər]。- 46:
- 7.A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, “Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?” 8.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:“吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?” 解析:who tooted a flute作定语从句修饰a tutor,tried to tutor是谓语,这里的tutor是动词,表示“辅导,教”,tutor sb. to do sth:教某人做某事。 发音时注意tutor、toot、tooster和two之间的区分。>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?- EXT. BASEBALL FIELD - DAY The CRACK of a bat announces the game-winning home run. The crowd CHEERS the swing, and especially the batter as herounds the bases.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- Batter up, J.J.>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
- RED (V.O.) Year after that, they rescheduled the start of the intramural season to coincide with tax season... 99INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1952) 99 The Batter sits across from Andy. The line winds out the door.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- 98EXT -- BASEBALL DIAMOND -- DAY (1952) 98 A BATTER in a "Noresby Marauders" baseball uniform WHACKS the ball high into left field and races for first.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script