
prep. 在…之上;接近;根据


Obviously, there are some areas we could have improved upon.
>> Social Language
INT. WILL'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT Will sits alone in his one room apartment, reading. A closer look reveals he is reading a self-help PSYCHOLOGY BOOK. Will is flipping through the book at about a page per second. He shakes his head and smiles. Upon finishing the book, he throws it in a nearby WASTEBASKET. Push in on the back of the book where a SMILING PSYCHOLOGIST is pictured.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
"Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth..." You got that from "Work in Essex County," Page 421, right? Do you have any thoughts of your own on the subject or were you just gonna plagiarize the whole book for me?
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
It does not reflect upon your school or its administration.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
"Based upon the unusual agreement of incorrect answers... "... E.T.S. Must question the scores... "... Of all students with such unusual agreement. " What does it mean in English?
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
Jack et al come upon a narrow stairwell and they go up two decks before they are stopped by a small group pressed up against a steel gate. The steerage men are yelling at a scared STEWARD.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
They come upon William Carter's brand new RENAULT touring car, lashing down to a pallet. It looks like a royal coach from a fairy tale, its brass trim and headlamps nicely set off by its deep burgundy color.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
81 INT. DINING SALOON Like a ballroom at the palace, alive and lit by a constellation of chandeliers, full of elegantly dressed people and beautiful music from BANDLEADER WALLACE HARTLEY'S small orchestra. As Rose and Jack enter and move across the room to their table, Cal and Ruth beside them, we hear... OLD ROSE (V.O.) He must have been nervous but he never faltered. They assumed he was one of them... a young captain of industry perhaps... new money, obviously, but still a memeber of the club. Mother of course, could always be counted upon...
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Well, well... She has come upon a series of nudes. Rose is transfixed by the languid beauty he has created. His nudes are soulful, real, with expressive hands and eyes. They feel more like portraits than studies of the human form... almost uncomfortably intimate. Rose blushes, raising the book as some strollers go by.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
He checks his watch: 42 minutes EXT. WIND FARM - DAY John comes upon a shortgrass prairie. He sees a dozen WIND TURBINES in the distance. They each have three PROPELLER BLADES and make up what is called a WIND FARM.
>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
A bird CHIRPS. Benign at first, growing louder. A single WARBLE. Then many. We see - THOUSANDS OF CROWS. Filling the screen with their dimension and sound. Billowing like an OMINOUS BLACK CLOUD over - Recently planted CROPS. The crows descend upon fresh SEEDS.
>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
[Thanos' (2014) entire army is summons to the ground which include the Children of Thanos, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders and Chitauri Gorillas. Upon seeing the army descending on Earth, Steve slowly gets back to his feet. With a fierce determination, he tightens his broken shield to his arm and stands against Thanos' giant army alone. Suddenly, a crackling comes in on his communicator.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
No, no, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[Nat looks up, and an awkward silence falls upon the room. She writes what Nebula has just said, and Scott makes to break the awkward moment.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
A story... Once upon a time, Maguna went to bed. The end.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[The scene cuts to Tony Stark in the kitchen washing dishes after dinner. As he finishes the last of them, stumbles upon a photo of both Stark and Parker, with Parker holding his Stark Internship certificate. Tony finally knows what he's fighting for.] [Cut to Tony talking to his computer, generating a holographic model of something he's working on.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
(Inside a security office, a security guard (Ken Jeong) reading a book as he looks upon his security screen, seeing something going on in one of the storage facilities. In the cameras, it shows Lang in his casual clothing, shouting, waving a sign with the word "HELP" written on it.) (Outside the facility, he pulls out a pushcart and looks back seeing the guard giving a stern look from far. He walks around until reaching his hometown, finding a post filled with MISSING posters, abandoned houses, a wrecked car, nothing but desolation. He then sees a kid in a bike pass by.)
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
If we sneaking up upon it carefully... There will be a head for you A tail for me Do you hear what I hear?
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
So by definition, I would say therefore I wish upon you greatness which by my way of saying it "I wish upon you plenty of pain and suffering ,and so."
>> I am about to tell you things 黄仁勋
All who dare to encroach upon this land will be beaten and driven out as has been done to the Jungars.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
When a Kazakh crosses someone's threshold, he puts his hand upon his heart.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
The curse is still upon us!
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
So the heathen gods placed upon the gold... a terrible curse.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script