n. 行李;皮箱
- Luisa -- She stops. PARRISH (cont'd) Mr. Black's luggage was misplaced by the airlines. Would you mind get- ting a few things together for him? A couple of suits, some shirts, ties, underwear, shoes. Have Coyle take his measurements off what he is wearing tonight.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- He doesn't care. But thanks anyway. EXT. 34TH STREET HELIPAD, NEW YORK CITY - DAY The AStar lands, an attendant, waiting with a luggage cart, rushes to open the door and unload the bags. The passengers, Parrish paired with Quince, Drew with Susan, file off the rooftop through a door which opens into an elevator.INT. ELEVATOR, NEW YORK CITY - DAY Parrish, Susan, Drew and Quince face forward as they ride downwards.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script