
n. 怀疑,不信


Halina looks at him in disbelief.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
When Call dismounted and dropped his reins old Bolivar walked over, trembling, a look of disbelief on his face. “Oh, Capitán, Capitán,” he said, and began to blubber. Tears of relief rolled down his rough cheeks. He clutched at Call’s arms, as if he were worn out and might fall.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Little Eddie could not believe that he was shot and his brother Dan tied up. He was white and trembling. He looked at Dan in disbelief.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - OUTSIDE OF COCKPIT - NIGHT Rumack slams the door in disbelief.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
16 EXT. TENEMENT 16 Gordy carries the family's small child outside. He passes the child to its grateful parents, while... The rescued Firefighter sits on a curb looking at a heroand shaking his head in disbelief and admiration.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
ANGELA raises a hand to her mouth in disbelief, then looks to BENSON for a reaction or response, but he remains staring at the image of Alia on screen, at a loss for a moment.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
EXT. OSLO STREET – DAY The Protagonist looks at Neil in disbelief.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
President Johnson looks down and smiles. The three men in the barber shop look up in disbelief. Mrs. Gump looks up in shock.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running! EXT. OAK ALLEY - DAY (1954) Forrest sprints away from the boys. The boys stop the chase and watch in disbelief. Forrest is already at the far end of the road, clear of the chasing boys.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script

All U.S. forces, be advised, we have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. NEST teams are on site and attempting to disarm. I repeat, we have a confirmed nu- Suddenly, before the warning can be repeated, it is cut off by static as a nuclear explosion goes off in the distance. Crew Chief Lt. Volker and Sgt. Paul Jackson look away and shield their eyes with one arm not holding their weapon to avoid witnessing the brightness of the detonation. When they are able to look back, they stare in shock and disbelief at what has just happened. As the familiar mushroom cloud begins to rise into the air, the shock wave knocks down many helicopters and destroys everything in its path.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
I didn't leave you. Beat. She becomes silent. Anna falls back into deep sleep, her arm slides down. SOMETHING SHINY FALLS OUT AND ROLLS ON THE GROUND. Malcolm's eyes watch as it comes to a stop... Beat. He gazes curiously at a GOLD WEDDING BAND laying on the wood floor.Confusion washes over his face. He looks to Anna's hand... An identical gold wedding ring sits on her finger. Beat. Malcolm looks down at his own hand... HIS WEDDING RING IS GONE. Malcolm is completely lost. He takes a couple steps back. Looks around in confusion... His eyes come to rest on the door to his basement office. He looks in disbelief at the set of DEAD BOLT LOCKS on the door. Malcolm doesn't know what the hell's going on... His eyes are drawn to the dining table... Only ONE PLACE SETTING is out on the tabletop. His eyes search again -- they finally lock on the WEDDING VIDEO PLAYING. Malcolm watches images of himself on the screen... His eyes fill with a storm of emotions... Malcolm looks to Anna's face and becomes very still. Beat. CLOSE ON ANNA... TILL HER SLEEPING FACE FILLS THE FRAME... IT'S NOW WE NOTICE FOR THE FIRST TIME, THAT ANNA'S BREATHS ARE FORMING TINY CLOUDS IN THE COLD AIR.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
(on tape) Okay. FOOTSTEPS AS MALCOLM AND THE SECRETARY LEAVE THE ROOM. THE DOOR CLOSES. AND THE SILENCE. Nothing happens for a long time. AND THEN WE HEAR A SUDDEN CHAIR SCREECH ACROSS THE FLOOR. VINCENT'S BREATHING QUICKENS. A SLIGHT STATIC STARTS TO FILTER IN ON THE TAPE. Malcolm's eyes are locked on the spool of audio tape as it spins in the player.Malcolm's fingers move to the volume dial. He turns it way up. THE STATIC NOISE FROM THE TAPE FILLS THE BASEMENT. Malcolm leans closer to the tape player. Closes his eyes and listens... Beat. DEEP IN THE STATIC... ANOTHER SOUND EMERGES, WHISPERING. A MAN'S VOICE IS HEARD IN THE ROOM WITH VINCENT MAN'S WHISPERING (on tape) Familia... No dejen que esto me pase... Mi familia... Yo no quiero morir... Familia... Malcolm's mouth opens in disbelief.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
(yells) Momma, look out! The woman in the flowery dress turns. Her hand rests on her stomach. WE SEE SHE IS PREGNANT. Playbills stick to the windshield obstructing the view. Lynn slams the brakes... Too late. THE WOMAN SMASHES INTO THE FRONT GRILL OF THE CAR... HER TERROR- STRICKEN FACE COMES OVER THE HOOD AND CRASHES RIGHT THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IN A SHOWER OF BLOOD AND GLASS... COLE SCREAMS. LYNN SCREAMS... THE CAR SCREECHES TO A STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONGESTED INTERSECTION. The line of cars behind them suddenly hit their brakes and swerve to one side avoiding a mass collision. After a few seconds, the entire intersection has come to a halt. Cole who has shut his eyes... slowly opens them. He looks around fearfully. His eyes move to the windshield. No broken glass. No blood. And no woman. Cole looks out through the pristine windshield onto the street where cars are stopped and staring all around them.Cole slowly looks over to his mother. He finds her staring at him in complete and utter disbelief. Her hands clutch the wheel. The whites of her knuckles showing her fear. She has no idea why he screamed.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
(loud) Are you calling me? WE HEAR ANNA'S FOOTSTEPS MOVE ACROSS THE BASEMENT CEILING. WE HEAR THE FRONT DOOR OPEN. ANNA (o.s.) What? You don't see enough of me at the store? Malcolm gets up and moves closer to their voices as he stretches his legs. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) On my way to the flea market in Amish country. Thought maybe you want to come. Show me how to buy at these things. ANNA (o.s.) I trust you... Besides, I don't know if I'm up for the Amish today. You can't curse or spit or anything around them. Malcolm smiles at Anna. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I thought you'd want to get out. You've been kind of down. Malcolm slowly stops smiling. ANNA (o.s.) That's very sweet. I'm okay. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Do you think I should stop by on my way back? Show you what I got? It's not a problem. Malcolm shakes his head in disbelief. ANNA (o.s.) You know that's probably not the best idea. I'll just wait to see them in the store. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Okay. Fine. Understood. (beat) I'm off then. ANNA (o.s.) Don't step in the horse manure. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Thanks.WE HEAR THE FRONT DOOR SHUT. Malcolm moves to the narrow basement window. INT./EXT. MALCOLM'S HOUSE - DAY We see SEAN, an attractive young man in his late twenties. He gets into his car across the street. He just sits there for a moment before putting his forehead to the steering wheel.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script