
adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的;[音]临时记号的


“Jake was gambling and a fight got started,” he said. “Jake shot off a buffalo gun and the bullet went through the wall and killed my brother. I was out of town at the time. Peach, my sister-in-law, wanted me to go after Jake. I wish now I hadn’t.” “It sounds accidental to me,” Clara said. “Though I know that’s no consolation to your family. Jake was no killer.” “Well, I didn’t catch him anyway,” July said. “Elmira ran off and Roscoe come and told me. Now Roscoe’s dead too. I don’t guess it could be my baby.” Clara was still studying the two faces, the little one and the gaunt, tired one. It interested her, what came across from parent to child.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Yes,” July said. “I guess it was accidental, but I’ve got to take him back. Only I’d like to find Elmira first.” They rode in silence for seven or eight miles over broken country. Augustus was thinking what a curious man Jake Spoon was, that he would let a woman be stolen and just go on playing cards, or whatever he was doing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, it was accidental death,” Call said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In case of accidental death or dismemberment during the centralizing process.
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Bomb makers often die accidental deaths.
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785. Accidental encounter inevitable acquaintance, a smile, sigh.
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453. I'm confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident.
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Right, I'll go up to a cabin in the woods and die of multiple, accidental hunting gunshot wounds to the back.
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