
adj. 普通的;共同的;通常的;一般的


This is our defense. Intent: No one can prove there was poison on the raq. Code Red: They're common and accepted in Guantanamo Bay. The Order: (he writes) A) Kendrick gave it. B) They had no choice but to follow it.>>完整场景
It's a matter of common sense.>>完整场景
- You and I have a lot in common then.>>完整场景
Simplify or Optimize. The 3rd step, not the 1st step. The reason is because it's very common... possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist.>>完整场景
Because he had that wonderful humility, which is not common amongst racing drivers.>>完整场景
If we truly explore to find a common thread?>>完整场景
But then, what do all these thinkers we've examined this semester have in common?>>完整场景
Now, this man is wanted on charges in Nebraska, expedited by federal writ, under Common State Law Enforcement Act.>>完整场景
Drinking the blood of humans is such a messy affair and considered quite common these days.>>完整场景
The common well.>>完整场景
The people got their rights from the common well.>>完整场景
English common law.>>完整场景
Unregulated radio would result in programming... of the lowest common denominator... the rule of the mob.>>完整场景
Girls... Flower, Mae Ruth... I want to tell you... that there ain't no common ordinary nigra.>>完整场景
The reason you want to read these works... is so you can experience them for yourself... so you can share the thoughts and feelings of the writer... without the interference of your actor and director... and professor's point of view getting in the way... to truly share and understand... the common feelings of all mankind... the feelings of being alive.>>完整场景
Divorce. I knew we had something in common.>>完整场景
I have demanded it -- and common priests present themselves! Can you imagine the arrogance? Common Jesuit priests try to act as my equals, and they refuse to reveal the names of anyone else in their order! No one can keep secrets like the Jesuits can, and the identity of their leader is the darkest secret they hold. Even the Pope himself does not know who leads the Jesuit Order in France! He suspects the Governor General of Jesuits, whoever he is, is angling to become Pope himself.>>完整场景
97.I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.>>完整场景
One ingredient with a common power, if we can isolate it.>>完整场景
They lack something in common. Silica.>>完整场景
What could they have in common?>>完整场景
Ordinary silica, the most common material you can find, and yet everywhere this stuff goes, somebody dies.>>完整场景
You and I have a lot more in common than you think.>>完整场景
So now you come to me?! Common, give me break.>>完整场景
It seems like such a clear-cut, common sense type thing.>>完整场景