
n. 种族,人种;家庭,门弟;属,种


- Time to race the dead.>>完整场景
The bombers race toward the clouds, and make it; the Zeros lose them.>>完整场景
EXT. NAVAL STATION - DAY A MARINE GUNNERY SERGEANT leads men in a race through strafing fire to the bases ammo storeroom.>>完整场景
The other pilots race to the wrecked P-40's and start pulling out ammo belts. Earl glares at the smoking engine of Danny's plane, and the bullet holes.>>完整场景
EXT. HALEIWA - AUXILIARY AIRFIELD - DAY The two P-40's drop out of the sky and bounce to a landing; Anthony and Red have been pushing the wreckage off the field with the Buick. Danny and Rafe pull the P-40's behind the burning quonset hut, and it's like a pit stop at a race track; Earl rushes up and starts fueling the planes, their engines still running.>>完整场景
Seeing the pilots running for the P-40's, the Zeros aim for them; Rafe and Danny race for the most distant of the planes; Joe and Theo run for the closer planes, through the dusty bullet hits.>>完整场景
They race toward the planes, and the Japanese attack again.>>完整场景
He's belting it like a baritone in a bizarre opera. His friends stir; what the hell? Red points outside and tries to talk, but now he can't mutter a syllable. The guys hear the explosions, and realize... EXT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots stagger out, half drunk, half dressed. Seeing what's happening, they race toward the flight line, where the clustered American planes are blowing up in groups, and the pilots are knocked to the ground.>>完整场景
EXT. BASSINGBORNE AIRFIELD - BRITAIN - NIGHT They race across the runway. Rafe reaches his Spitfire, just as Ian is removing the fueling hose.>>完整场景
He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.>>完整场景
Two figures race through the shadows and race through the doors.>>完整场景
EXT. GULFSTREAM RACE TRACK IN MIAMI - HIGH FULL VIEW - DAY The empty parking lot of the Gulfstream track, on an off- race day.>>完整场景
Believe in a family; believe in a Code of Honor, older and higher, believe in Roots that go back thousands of years into your Race.>>完整场景
Khartoum...Kartoum...You are looking at six hundred thousand dollars on four hoofs. I bet even Russian Czars never paid that kind of dough for a single horse. But I'm not going to race him I'm going to put him out to Stud.>>完整场景
Sexual preference age, race, fetish, size.>>完整场景
Sexual preference age, race, fetish, size.>>完整场景
- Sexual preference, age... - Race, fetish... - ...Race, fetish... - ...Size.>>完整场景
It's sexual preference, age, race, fetish, size... kind of like the Dewey decimal system for eratica.>>完整场景
That by the bride's moral pledge of fidelity shall continue this noble race touched by that divine light.>>完整场景
As they race off, leaving Humperdinck and his men stranded, defeated.>>完整场景
THE TWO SAILBOATS in a wild race for the Cliffs and the Man In Black is closing faster than ever, but not fast enough, the lead was too great to overcome, and as Inigo sails with great precision straight at the Cliffs>>完整场景
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days Thursday, Friday, Happy Days The weekend comes, my cycle hums Ready to race to you The problem is water.>>完整场景
As he turned to race for the river he glimpsed a short brown man rising from behind a large yucca plant. Call didn’t know how badly he was shot, or how many Indians he was up against. He went off the bank too fast and the buggy crashed against a big rock at the water’s edge. It splintered and turned over, the coffin underneath it. Call glanced back and saw only four Indians. He dismounted, snuck north along the river for a hundred yards, and was able to shoot one of the four.>>完整场景
“I wouldn’t bother him now,” the doctor said. “It’s much too late. I suppose I’m to blame for not outwitting him. He was brought to me unconscious, or I might have figured out what a testy character he is.” Augustus smiled. “Would you bring Captain Call a glass, and some of that venison?” he said. “I imagine he’s hungry.” Call wasn’t ready to give up, although he felt it was probably hopeless. “You got those two women, back in Nebraska,” he pointed out. “Those women would race to take care of you.” “Clara’s got one invalid already, and she’s bored with him,” Augustus said. “Lorie would look after me but it would be a sorry life for her.” “Not as sorry as the one you rescued her from,” Call reminded him.>>完整场景
Nonetheless, it was follow or be left, for Augustus had loped off after the buffalo, who had only run about a mile. He soon put them to flight again and raced along beside them, riding close to the herd. Pea Eye, caught by surprise, was left far behind in the race. He kept expecting to hear Gus’s big rifle, but he didn’t, and after a run of about two miles came upon Gus sitting peacefully on a little rise. The buffalo were still running, two or three miles ahead.>>完整场景