
n. 种族,人种;家庭,门弟;属,种


Race by race, they were growing further apart.>>完整场景
A fantastic race!>>完整场景
He was on pole, he was going to be World Champion if he won that race, so the pressure was huge.>>完整场景
Fifteenth race of the season.>>完整场景
Senna in the barrier! He's out of the car... Ayrton Senna is out of his car and out of this race.>>完整场景
Ayrton was multiple seconds into the lead, had the race in hand with only a handful of laps to go, and he received a radio message that said, "You are so far in the lead, slow down." Ayrton Senna has hit the wall.>>完整场景
AYRTON SENNA: Winner of Portuguese Grand Prix '85 The race in Estoril was incredible.>>完整场景
Because maybe one race I have no chance, but next one or the next five will be good against one bad one.>>完整场景
So even when I have some problems, I look always to the next race.>>完整场景
He is celebrating as if he has won the race!>>完整场景
They are going to stop the race.>>完整场景
There is, in fact, from a purist and a dispassionate point of view, no reason to stop the race.>>完整场景
He wants to stop the race.>>完整场景
It was never going to win a race.>>完整场景
But it's taking on a bigger dimension and we're a little worried because he will probably race in Formula One.>>完整场景
I saw this movie once where the human race had to escape Earth and they ended up on another Planet and in order to survive on that Planet they had to adapt to their environment.>>完整场景
And then the panic makes your heart race.>>完整场景
EXT. RUNWAY - NIGHT SCREAMING ambulances race toward plane.>>完整场景
337 EXT. PICKUP TRUCK - EASTLEIGH STREET - AFTERNOON 337 We are with MUSA and FATIMA cradling ALIA as they are driven fast down the road. They race towards the checkpoint. Shocked Militia move aside as the vehicle speeds through.>>完整场景
Get this disgrace to his race out of here!>>完整场景
1 EXT. RACE TRACK - DAY 1 It's overcast, as a black Ferrari speeds around an empty track in the foggy haze. It does lap after lap, getting nowhere.>>完整场景
The chopper banks tight and dives across the tops of the parked cars. Cruisers race to converge.>>完整场景
141 EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT 141 Reese and Terminator race along opposite sides of a row of cars, approaching the exit.>>完整场景
Reese hitches his pants and bolt like a shot. The cops draw their guns and race into the alley after him.>>完整场景
A IibeIous dispIay The birds and bees WiII aII of their vast Amorous past Gaze at the human race Aghast!>>完整场景