
n. 栏杆;扶手


Above him, Hadley and Mert lean on the 3rd tier railing.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
75 RED (SLOW MOTION) 75 jumps back as Bogs plummets past, missing him by inches, arms swimming and trying to grab the railing (but missing that too), SCREAMING aaaaalll the way down -- 76 GROUND FLOOR 76 -- and impacting on Ernie's gassing mop cart in an enormous eruption of solvents and cleansers. The cart is squashed flat, shooting out from under Bogs and skidding across the cellblock floor like a tiddly wink, kicking up sparks for thirty yards.
75 RED(慢速运动)当Bogs从他身边直线过去时,75跳了回来,几英寸之遥没打中他,手臂在游动,试图抓住栏杆(但也没打中),一路往下尖叫——76底层76——并在溶剂和清洁剂的巨大喷发中撞击到Ernie的充气拖把车上。马车被压扁了,从博格斯下面射出,像眨眼一样在牢房地板上打滑,擦出了30码的火花。
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
73 2ND TIER 73 Puzzled, Red steps from his cell, following the sound. It dawns on him that it's coming from above. He moves to the railing and leans out, craning around to look up -- 74 RED'S POV 74 -- just as Bogs flips over the railing and comes sailing directly toward us, eyes bugging out, SCREAMING as he falls.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Forrest looks a little surprised. Lt. Dan smiles, then looks away. Lt. Dan pulls himself out of his chair to the railing and jumps into the water.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
EXT. GUMP HOUSE - NIGHT (1955) Jenny climbs over a second-floor railing and enters the house.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
What do those ghosts want when they talk to you? Think real careful now, Cole... Cole stops moving. He looks over the balcony railing at Malcolm.
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