
n. 因素;因数;要素;代理人


Johnny, the Don wants you to help us get started. We figure entertainment will be the big factor in drawing gamblers. We hope you'll sign a contract to appear five times a year for maybe a week long engagement.>>完整场景
“Well, I swear,” Call said, stunned. “Is that the truth?” “I ain’t seen the corpse,” Augustus said, “but I imagine it’s true. Jasper Fant rode in looking for work and had the news, though the scamp didn’t give it to me until I had wasted most of the night.” “I wonder what killed him,” Call said. Pedro Flores had been a factor in their lives off and on for thirty years, though probably they had not actually seen him more than six or seven times. It was surprising, hearing he was gone, and though it should have been a relief, it wasn’t, exactly. It was too much of a surprise.>>完整场景
“Why, Josh was just a half-pint,” Gus said frequently. “That woman needs a full pint. It’d be a blessing for her to have a man around who could reach the top shelf.” Pea had never considered that height might be a factor in relations such as marriage. After brooding about it for several months it occurred to him that Gus was tall too, and educated as well.>>完整场景
“No—in that case it’s the sheriff that’s the unknown factor,” Gus said. “Maybe he didn’t like his brother. Maybe some outlaw will shoot him before he can come after Jake. Maybe he’ll get lost and end up in Washington, D.C. Or maybe he’ll show up tomorrow and whip us all. I wouldn’t lay money.” They fell silent for a moment, the only sound the grinding of the windlass as Dish drew up another bucket of dirt.>>完整场景
Xavier Wanz, the little Frenchman who owned the place, was nervously wiping his tables with a wet rag. Xavier seemed to think keeping the tables well wiped was the crucial factor in his business, though Augustus was often forced to point out to him that such a view was nonsense. Most of the patrons of the Dry Bean were so lacking in fastidiousness that they wouldn’t have noticed a dead skunk on the tables, much less a few crumbs and spilled drinks.>>完整场景
Corporate felt genetic modification would up the wow factor.>>完整场景
JORDAN * Baby, I talked to the lawyers * again today. I have some really * great news. As it turns out you’re * totally off the hook. * NAOMI * I know that already. * JORDAN * You never did anything wrong * anyway, right? At the end of the * day all they really want is for me * to cooperate - that’s it. * See, apparently, I know so much * about what’s going on in the stock * market that I could save the * government years of heartache. But * it get’s even better... You see, * if I cooperate I’ll only have to * serve four short years and any * fine I’d have to pay wouldn’t be * due til after I serve my sentence. * We’ll still have plenty of money * left over. The only thing that I * was kind of upset about was the * fact that I might have to give * them information about my friends. * NAOMI * Like you said, “There’s no friends * on Wall Street”. * JORDAN * But there’s a silver lining to * that too... It turns out that all * of ‘em are probably gonna * cooperate too. So in the end, that * won’t really be a factor. * NAOMI * Well, that’s really good news, * honey. I’m really happy for you. * JORDAN * No, it’s good for both of us, Nay. * NAOMI * Yeah, yeah. * JORDAN * Make love to me baby. Make love to * me nice and slow. * NAOMI * No Jordan. Stop! * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 127.>>完整场景
There are literally dozens of toxins which are virtually undetectable, both in the human body and on a fabric. The nature of the acidosis is the compelling factor in this issue.>>完整场景
You gotta trust me, Sherby. You keep your eyes open, your chances of catching the ball increase by a factor of ten.>>完整场景
MUSHTAQ (CONT’D) If the men stay in this room - and this here is the target area - we would expect a one hundred per cent mortality rate in the room, an eighty-five to ninety-five per cent mortality rate within this area and anything outside the building - this area here in the street - a sixty-five to seventy-five per cent rate. That is just the Hellfire. If we factor in the explosives in the vests... We are looking at even more extensive damage - way out to this area here - but I can’t accurately estimate that payload.>>完整场景
And how much of a motivating factor that was to do anything we could to not be bested by our arch enemy.>>完整场景
Target points 175 Hit factor 5.417 Another record broken! That's even faster, incredible! Triple Tap Good! Amazing! Thank you! Congratulations! Playing this sport for just a year.>>完整场景
Target points 175 Hit factor 5.366 Broken the club's record! That's awesome! Told you, you could do it! All right, I guess! Silence please! Shooter, are you ready?>>完整场景
Speed is the vital factor.>>完整场景
But please keep in mind... the one factor which is crippling all our plans.>>完整场景
It's called the fud factor.>>完整场景
They neutralize the acidic factor of the blood and they harvest what they need.>>完整场景
(ON TV) The acid factor of the Kaiju blood creates a toxic phenomenon named Kaiju Blue.>>完整场景