
adj. 酒精的,含酒精的


- Alcoholic!>>完整场景
Mention of Indians woke Pea Eye from an alcoholic doze. He hated Indians, partly because for thirty years fear of them had kept him from getting a good night’s sleep. In his years with the Rangers he never closed his eyes without expecting to open them and find some huge Indian getting ready to poke him with something sharp. Most of the Indians he had actually seen had all been scrawny little men, but it didn’t mean the huge one who haunted his sleep wasn’t out there waiting.>>完整场景
(to the bartender) Just some water please - but throw in an olive and make it look alcoholic... 43 INT. HALL - ARMS FAIR - SINGAPORE - DAY 43 JAMES hurries down a trading aisle escorted by three BODYGUARDS as KATE and TOM struggle to catch up.>>完整场景
The one before that was an alcoholic.>>完整场景