
n. 优越,优势;优越性


“I can rope the son of a bitch fast enough,” Bert said. “Getting the rope off would be the problem.” “Getting you buried would be the problem if you was to rope that bull,” Dish said. The fact that he chose to restrain himself and not get drunk in Fort Worth increased his sense of superiority somewhat, and many of the crew had had about all of Dish’s sense of superiority as they could take, particularly since he was restraining himself for love of a young woman who clearly didn’t give a hoot about him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
While breakfast was cooking most of the cowboys pulled off their shirts and spread them on bushes to dry. A few took off their pants, too, but only the few who possessed long underwear. Dish Boggett was one of the few who had carefully wrapped his extra clothes in an oilcloth, so he soon had on dry pants and a shirt, which somewhat increased his sense of superiority to the rest of the crew.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
DR COSMO LANG - a tall, unctuous, churchman with a high, domed, balding head, and a perpetual expression of moral superiority.
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l bow down before the superiority of the opposite sex in many respects.
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711. The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.
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What of jeaIousy? AII wiII cIaim superiority and want to sit at the head.
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[D'Souza] At her graduation address at Wellesley College, Hillary sought to demonstrate her moral superiority by giving it to black Republican senator Edward Brooke.
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