n. 股份,股票;血统;树干;库存
- Fortunately it only rained in Lonesome Dove once or twice a year, so the loss of the roof didn’t result in much suffering for the stock, when there was stock. It mostly meant suffering for Call, who had never been able to locate enough decent lumber to build a new roof. Unfortunately a rare downpour had occurred only about a week after the wind dropped the old roof in the middle of Hat Creek. It had been a real turd-floater, and also a lumber-floater, washing much of the roof straight into the Rio Grande.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- And Masrani is using it to stock a petting zoo.>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
- [Whistle Blowing] [Screeching] [music] You made me cry [music] [music] When you said good-bye [music] [music]Ain't that a shame [music] [music]My tears fell like rain [music] S.A.E. 10-20 bar stock.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- Now I'd say S.A.E. 10-20 bar stock ought to do you fine.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- JORDAN (V.O.) For the next six hours, I came upwith a list. Friends, enemies, business associates, anybody who’dever known me or taken so much as a stock tip. The first name on the list was Donnie’s.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN * Baby, I talked to the lawyers * again today. I have some really * great news. As it turns out you’re * totally off the hook. * NAOMI * I know that already. * JORDAN * You never did anything wrong * anyway, right? At the end of the * day all they really want is for me * to cooperate - that’s it. * See, apparently, I know so much * about what’s going on in the stock * market that I could save the * government years of heartache. But * it get’s even better... You see, * if I cooperate I’ll only have to * serve four short years and any * fine I’d have to pay wouldn’t be * due til after I serve my sentence. * We’ll still have plenty of money * left over. The only thing that I * was kind of upset about was the * fact that I might have to give * them information about my friends. * NAOMI * Like you said, “There’s no friends * on Wall Street”. * JORDAN * But there’s a silver lining to * that too... It turns out that all * of ‘em are probably gonna * cooperate too. So in the end, that * won’t really be a factor. * NAOMI * Well, that’s really good news, * honey. I’m really happy for you. * JORDAN * No, it’s good for both of us, Nay. * NAOMI * Yeah, yeah. * JORDAN * Make love to me baby. Make love to * me nice and slow. * NAOMI * No Jordan. Stop! * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 127.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- * 215C-G A SNAPSHOT OF JORDAN’S CHILDHOOD HOME, then OF HIS CURRENT ESTATE, FOLLOWED BY EXAMPLES OF WEALTH: his sportscars, Naomi in a bikini, stock footage of a jet... 215C-G JORDAN (V.O.) From these humble middle-class beginnings, I now live here...withmy beautiful wife andkids...living the lifestyle of ourdreams... 215H THE SEMINAR. Jordan high-fives attendees. 215H JORDAN (V.O.) Now I’m passing along the secretsto my success in my 90-minute freeseminar, “Jordan Belfort’s Straight Line Persuasion.” 215J FIRST TESTIMONIAL. A MAN holds a framed check. 215J>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Tell all the brokers to sell. * Drive the price down. Steve will * go cockless when he watches me * turn his company into a penny * stock. * (he hangs up) Sonovacunt!>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- MANNY RISKIN: You plead guilty to a handful ofsecurities violations -- stock manipulation, high pressure salestactics, ticky-tack sh*t likethat. You pay a few milliondollars in fines and in exchangethe SEC fucks off for all time.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Unless it was an investigation into stock fraud -- which is a crime in Switzerland. Then you’d have to cooperate.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- This internet stock bullshit?>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- This internet stock bullshit?>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (V.O.) (CONT’D) At 1 p.m. we opened the stock forsale at $4.50 a share. By 1:03it was over eighteen dollars.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (CONT’D) You have an obligation here, people! To your clients! To this firm! An obligation to yourself, godammit! You ram Steve Madden stock down your clients’ throatsand make them choke on it till they buy 20,000 shares! Be aggressive! Be ferocious! Be telephone f***ing terrorists!!>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Elvis! Andy Warhol! Giorgio Armani! Who knows how high this stock could go? The 20s? The 50s? The 80s?>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- It was our first IPO, and we were driving the stock price to thefucking moon.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (V.O.) Besides Brad, I had eight other‘ratholes’, close friends who’d own stock on paper, but kick theprofits back to me after I drovethe price through the roof.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- (reads spread sheet) Month end, March 1991! $28.7 million in gross commissions - allin Stratton issues. Not bad for penny stocks, huh boys? Not badfor dumpin’ penny stocks.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- 58F CUT TO: 58F KALIL * If the stock goes up 10%, willthat make you a rich man? Of course not.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- The fact is it doesn’t matter what the f*** he says! If he’s alreadyagreed that the stock’s going up, then the only real objection hehas at this point is he doesn’ttrust you! And he shouldn’t trust you, you’re a f***ing salesman!>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- --and once Kodak settles the lawsuit, institutions will be permitted to buy their shares inlarge blocks again. And when that happens, which is any day now, what do you think will happen tothe price of Kodak stock?>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (CONT’D) No one buys stock unless he thinksit’s going up and going up now.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (CONT'D) JORDAN (CONT'D) In military terms it’s like carpet- bombing -- noisy, menacing andonly marginally effective. As Stratton brokers you will be laser- guided smart-bombs aimed at high- priority targets. You will establish an initial relationshipwith your clients selling onlyblue chip stocks -- then and onlythen will you attempt to sell thepink sheets, where the real moneyis. Now the key to every sale isthis: Jordan writes the word “URGENCY” on the board.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Rich people don’t buy penny stocks.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Stock broker.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script