

Silently Clara handed him a rough dish towel. She scowled fiercely at the girls until they backed off. She followed them out the back door to give the man a moment to collect himself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Our satellite infrareds show the animals are fiercely territorial.
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625. The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.
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90 NEAR STREAM 90 rushing fiercely through the jungle, Ever uses hismachete to cut two lengths of bamboo. He hands one to Gordy and indicates how they'll ford the stream. Gordynods, then follows Ever's lead into the perilous, belly- deep water. They struggle to maintain their balance, even with the sticks. When they reach the opposite bank, Ever signs okay to Gordy and smiles.
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The women fight fiercely, locked in grapple, each face ugly with struggle. Go Go lets her left earlobe get too close to the Bride's mouth...the Bride BITES DOWN on it. Go Go screams as the lower part of the appendage is bitten off, and she rolls off the Bride. The Bride comes at her, bringing the table leg -- WHOOPS UPSIDE HER HEAD -- WHOOP-WHOOP-SIDES-HER HEAD.
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