
adj. 夏威夷语的;夏威夷的


INT. RADIO STATION KGBM - DAY The DISC JOCKEY, handed a message by the army officer, stops playing the soothing Hawaiian music and announces...>>完整场景
Children are playing, officers are stepping from their houses in their shorts to get the morning paper... EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - OAHU - DAY Hawaiian Boy Scouts are hiking on a side of one of the mountains overlooking Pearl.>>完整场景
INT. THE COCKPITS - DAY The Japanese bombers, with three-man crews, are listening to the Hawaiian music of the radio station, using it for their homing beacon. They look out and see the sunrise -- it's beautiful, and resembles the Japanese flag.>>完整场景
He switches on the radio, and tunes it to KGMB; hearing the Hawaiian music reassures him something...>>完整场景
Evelyn opens her basket, and finds a lei of Hawaiian flowers stuffed in the top. Betty scoots over and puts the flowers around Evelyn's neck.>>完整场景
Danny looks out the window again and sees Evelyn's beautiful form disappear around the corner, on her way back to the base hospital. Danny moves back to the table, and as two burly Hawaiian waiters set another full loaded mai-tai volcano onto the center of the table, he picks up a glass and dips it full of the potent liquid. He shouts to the whole room -->>完整场景
Everybody's having a ball, the new arrivals fitting right in with the others. Danny's a bit off to himself, lost in his own thoughts. Billy and Anthony are doing the hula to the Hawaiian music playing.>>完整场景
Well guys...I reckon there's just one thing to do... INT. OAHU BAR - DAY Danny and the pilots are in Hawaiian shirts, their party in full swing. A bucket-sized hollowed-out volcano sits in the middle of the table, with twelve straws emerging from the crater. It's full of booze -- or was; Danny and the other guys are pulling heartily at the straws, and they gurgle as the last liquid is sucked dry.>>完整场景
His hands float around in the air until finally both of them are indicating the same direction, behind his back. In the bunk beyond Coma's is another drunk pilot in a Hawaiian shirt...and to judge by the shapely bronzed leg that protrudes from under his damp sheet, there's a woman with him too.>>完整场景
Where are the women on this -- Danny has stopped before the others; now all of them see that the other pilots who inhabit this air base are still in their beds, sleeping off hangovers. They wear Hawaiian shirts; they haven't shaved.>>完整场景
Evelyn sits alone. She's brought writing paper. As the Hawaiian waiter serves her an icy tropical ambrosia with chunks of pineapple and a fresh plumeria flower floating at the rim of the glass, she lifts her pen.>>完整场景
I didn't even know where Pearl Harbor was, or that the Hawaiian Islands belong to us.>>完整场景
EDUA.RDO, in baggy cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt buttoned up to the top, is standing with a few similarly dressed friends, including DUSTIN MOSKOWITZ and CHRIS HUGHES, in the sparsely populated room. On the other side of the room are a few girls--all Asian. One of the girls is wearing a bikini over her clothes. A television monitor has been set up with a.>>完整场景