
n. 震动;发抖;战栗


INT. THE NEVADA'S BRIDGE - DAY The Nevada's Captain feels the ship shudder as it takes hits amidships.>>完整场景
INT. BELOW DECKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie Miller, the boxing champion/kitchen helper, is working picking up the breakfast trays when he feels the ship shudder. The intercom comes alive -->>完整场景
The P-40 screams toward the ground, picking up speed, going so fast it begins to shudder.>>完整场景
CLOSE VIEW ON THE OLD MAN The recognition of the name throws a shudder through him.>>完整场景
94.It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement.>>完整场景
Begins to shudder and weep. His name is DeLancey.>>完整场景
You’re bleeding. Let me take a look – SUDDENLY THEY HEAR THE BUILDING WHINE OF JET ENGINES. The Protagonist YANKS up the handle, THROWS OPEN THE DOOR – EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Onto PANDEMONIUM – FIRE CREWS BATTLE the blaze, chunks of metal on the ground IGNITE, SHUDDER and LEAP ONTO THE AIRFRAME... STREAMS of water RISE up onto the plane – The Protagonist HURRIES BACKWARDS, PULLING THE GURNEY towards the plane, steering around debris that might suddenly – A SHEET OF FLAMING METAL SPINS off the ground, shearing into them, KNOCKING the GURNEY – they duck, HOLDING ON TO THE GURNEY, the metal FLIES into the air, SLAMS into its hole on the side of the plane... the Protagonist spots a line under the fuselage, between flames, towards the breach... Come on!>>完整场景
Forrest looks over at Jenny's breasts, the shudder as he has an orgasm.>>完整场景