
adj. 烘焙的;烤的


MALL (SUMMER 1945) Now all the wedding GUESTS excitedly clap their hands over the entrance of the cake: NAZORINE is beaming as he wheels in a serving table containing the biggest, gaudiest, most extravagant wedding cake ever baked, an incredible monument of his gratitude. The CROWD is favorably impressed: they begin to clink their knives or forks against their glasses, in the traditional request for the Bride to cut the cake and kiss the Groom. Louder and louder, five hundred forks hitting five hundred glasses.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
FREDO and SONNY, all dressed in the formal attire of the wedding party. He warmly shakes the hands, squeezes the hands of the friends and guests, pinches the cheeks of the children, and makes them all welcome. They in turn carry with them gallons of homemade wine, cartons of freshly baked bread and pastries, and enormous trays of Italian delicacies.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
We used to do the whole-- we'd eat my aunt's broccoli salad, deviled eggs, and my aunt's baked beans.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
When the history of this sun-baked Siberia is written, these shameful words will live in infamy.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
When you talk about the investment banks, especially the bigger ones, fraud is baked into the income statement.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
G-IRL #2 I'm pretty baked.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
- You baked the zucchini flowers ?
>> 完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script
You've been getting baked daily it would seem in full view of our neighbors.
>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
She sets the loaves on a table with others already baked.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
(hands him a box) Now you just have some'a this fine pie my missus baked specially for you, and you think about that.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script