
adj. 月夜的;有月光的


A WIDER SHOT OF THE FENCELINE. And we see by the moonlight that the tall wire-mesh fence winds its way far, far into the distance.>>完整场景
101 INT. DAVID'S HOUSE/GUEST ROOM - 1996 - NIGHT 101 Lipsky is in bed, still awake in the moonlight. The door ajar, David comes in. He speaks softly, in shadow. He can’t be seen and can’t see Lipsky very well; it’s sort of like confession.>>完整场景
I believe in dreams, Louis. They are our souls speaking to us, from that world beyond our eyes. And that son I never saw in daylight was standing in the moonlight of my dreams. And he wore an iron mask.>>完整场景
EXT. MANOR HOUSE - NIGHT Aramis and Athos rush through the courtyard, surrounded by moonlight and trees, confused about where Porthos is. Then they hear bellowing SCREAM OF PAIN from the latrine.>>完整场景
EXT. COUNTRY ESTATE - NIGHT A carriage pulls into a country estate, isolated among vast woodlands silver in the moonlight. Mysterious servants with shielded lanterns converge on the carriage as it stops.>>完整场景
EXT. PARIS STREET - NIGHT Through the narrow streets of the old city gallops a dashing figure, his cloak flying behind him and catching the moonlight, his horse's hooves clattering along the cobblestones as he dodges the beggars living in the filthy shadows. He is a magnetic sight, riding the horse as easily as if they were racing across an open field and not through a cluttered street, and guiding the stallion as if its grace and power came not from the animal but from the rider.>>完整场景
Once a year when the water flow is just right and the full moon is shining the falls deliver an enchanted and magical display of a rare phenomenon, the moonlight rainbows.>>完整场景
four pieces already there:
a king, a queen, and two bishops. He turns to Rita. Moonlight casts bars across her face.>>完整场景
Well, it just so happens, my hacienda comes with its very own private beach. And my private beach, just so happens to look particularly beautiful bathed in moonlight. And there just so happens to be a full moon out tonight. So, swordfighter, if you want to sword fight, that's where I suggest. But if you wanna be old school about it - then we can wait till dawn, and slice each other up at sunrise, like a couple real life honest to goodness samurais. As per usual Kiddo, I'll leave the big decisions up to you.>>完整场景