adj. 摇晃的;不可靠的;不坚定的
- [Thor's smile slowly disappears. He puts a shaky hand on Bruce's shoulder and points at him.]>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- Call turned south toward San Antonio, thinking he might find a doctor. But when he came to the town he turned and went around it, spooked at the thought of all the people. He didn’t want to go among such a lot of people with his mind so shaky. He rode the weary dun on south, feeling that he might just as well go to Lonesome Dove as anywhere.
电话转向南方,指向圣安东尼奥,以为他可能会找到医生。但当他来到镇上时,一想到所有的人,他就吓了一跳,绕着镇转了一圈。他不想在头脑如此不稳定的情况下与这么多人交往。他骑着疲惫的沙丘向南走,觉得去孤独的鸽子和去任何地方一样好。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- Still, a fact was a fact: the horses were gone. Call took Pea, Newt, Needle Nelson, and Old Hugh, and went in pursuit. He soon ruled out Indians, for the thieves were traveling too slow, and had even stopped to camp not thirty miles from their headquarters, which Indians with stolen horses would never have been foolish enough to do. It was soon plain that they were only chasing two men. They crossed into Canada on the second day and caught the thieves on the third, surprising them at breakfast. They were a shaky old man with a dirty gray beard and a strapping boy about Newt’s age. The old man had a single-shot buffalo gun, and the boy a cap-and-ball pistol. The boy was cooking venison and the old man propped against his saddle muttering over a Bible when Call walked in with his pistol drawn. The boy, though big as an ox, began to tremble when he saw the five men with guns.
尽管如此,事实就是事实:马不见了。Call带走了Pea、Newt、Needle Nelson和Old Hugh,继续追赶。他很快就把印第安人排除在外,因为小偷走得太慢了,甚至停下来在离他们总部不到三十英里的地方扎营,而那些偷了马的印第安人绝对不会愚蠢到这样做。很快就清楚了,他们只追了两个人。他们第二天越境进入加拿大,第三天抓住了小偷,早餐时让他们大吃一惊。他们是一个摇摇晃晃的老人,留着脏兮兮的灰胡子,还有一个和纽特差不多大的魁梧男孩。老人有一把单枪水牛枪,男孩有一把鸭舌帽手枪。当Call拔出手枪走进来时,男孩正在煮鹿肉,老人靠在马鞍上喃喃自语地读着《圣经》。这个男孩虽然像牛一样大,但当他看到那五个人拿着枪时,他开始发抖。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “Why, hello, boys,” Pea said, when he was helped off the horse. They all gathered around to greet him, and Bert and Needle Nelson helped him down. Po Campo had some coffee ready. Pea reached out for a cup, once they had him propped against the wagon, but his hands were too shaky to hold it. Po fed him a little with a spoon, and between one sip and the next, Pea slid from his position and passed out. He collapsed so quickly that no one even caught him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- They shot from downriver, and Gus opened up on them at once. They were so respectful of his gun that their bullets only splattered uselessly in the mud, or else hit the water and ricocheted off with a whine. Gus looked so weak and shaky that Pea Eye wondered if he could still shoot accurately, but the question was answered later in the day when an Indian tried to shoot them from the opposite bank, using a little rain squall as cover. He got off his shot, which hit one of the saddles; then Gus shot him as he turned to crawl away. The shot caused the Indian to straighten up, and Gus shot him again. The second bullet seemed to suck the Indian backward—he toppled off the bank and rolled into the water. He was not dead; he tried to swim, so Gus shot him again. A minute or two later he floated past them face down.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “You beat any woman I ever saw for taking the starch out of a man,” he said, a little perplexed. Despite all the complications, he felt his old love for her returning with its old power. So much feeling flooded him, just looking at her, that he felt shaky. It was a puzzle to him that such a thing could happen, for it was true she had become rather bony and her face had thinned too much, and certainly she was as taxing as a woman could be. And yet the feeling made him shaky.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- His voice was shaky. He sat down in the chair the doctor usually sat in, by the bedside. After a moment he took one of her hands. Zwey was still looking in. July only held her hand for a moment. He dropped it and stood up.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I get shaky,” she said. “Gus knows why. I hope he gets back tonight.” “It depends on how big a start the horsethieves had,” Dish said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Efficient,” Augustus agreed. “He likes to chase horse-thieves too. Seems like we’re always having to get your horses back, Wilbarger. Where do you want ’em delivered this time?” “Oh, hell, sell ’em,” Wilbarger said, in shaky tones. “I’m done with the cow business, finally. Send the money to my brother, John Wilbarger, Fifty Broadway, New York City.” He coughed again. “Keep the tent,” he said. “How’s the shy young lady?” “She’s improved,” Augustus said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Jake looked disgusted. “I didn’t look for no tracks,” he said. “I figured she come over here and married Gus. They’re such sweethearts they have to have breakfast together every morning. Anyhow, where else would she go? She ain’t got a map.” Jake looked tired and shaky; he also looked worried.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Gus, you better not be hiding her,” Jake said in a shaky voice. He had whiskey on his breath.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Just don’t get nobody who cooks snakes,” he warned. “If I have to eat any more snakes I’m apt to give notice.” “That’s an idle threat, Jasper,” Augustus said. “You wouldn’t know where to go if you was to quit. For one thing, you’d be skeert to cross a river.” “You ought to let him be about that,” Call said, when they had ridden out of earshot. Jasper’s fear of water was nothing to joke about. Call had seen grown men get so scared of crossing rivers that it was practically necessary to knock them out at every crossing—and a shaky man was apt to panic and spook the herd. Under normal circumstances, Jasper Fant was a good hand, and there was nothing to be gained by riding him about his fear of water.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- They're all pretty shaky.>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
- I didn't know they were that shaky.>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
- The producer signals to Lipsky, who reads his preparedremarks from his shaky hands.>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
- Excuse me, Mister. Beat. The man slowly turns and looks down at the boy standing next to him. Cole is very shaky. Malcolm watches everything anxiously. Cole stares at Mr. Collins.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
INT. COLE'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Lynn moves into Cole's room with the laundry basket balanced on her hip. The Walkman headphones on her head blares A MUFFLED TECHNO DANCE BEAT. Lynn starts picking clothes up around Cole's room. This bedroom is an eerie place. The shadows seem to make shapes and figures. All the furniture is wood -- old fashioned. The lamps, the paintings on the wall -- antiques as well. The most striking feature of the room, however, is the homemade tent created from bedsheets and blankets tied to chairs and bureaus. It takes up a large corner of the room. A sign hangs over the bedsheets. "DO NOT ENTER" Lynn grabs the spiderman P.J.s that drape over the tent. A German Shepherd Puppy sleeps on the pillow. SEBASTIAN lifts his head sleepily and peers at Lynn before returning to his slumber. Lynn slowly reaches for a picture frame that peeks out from under Cole's pillow. Slides it out... It's a VACATION PHOTO of a couple. Lynn and Cole and a man. The man looks in every way a larger version of Cole. The picture has a visible effect on Lynn. She lets out a shaky breath before returning the photo to its hiding place. Lynn pulls a pair of school uniform pants off the wooden roll cover desk next to the bed.The desk is covered with loose leaf papers filled with writings. Lynn's eyes are drawn to the papers. Her curious gaze turns serious. Her mouth opens a tiny bit involuntarily. THE PAPERS are strewn with lines of handwriting. Countless lines. Thousands of words... Some horizontal, some vertical... The writing moves in arcs and flows in various size -- written at great speed -- every word connected by a single pen stroke -- everything written in one continuous motion. Lynn slowly spins the papers, taking in some of the phrases... ...Christ break the freaking glass oh no God no what the hell is going on Quiet the damn baby I'll cut you I swear it someone stop the burning I'll kill you I'll kill all you bastard... The words go on and on. Lynn removes her hands from the paper. She pulls her headphones off slowly. THE MUFFLED TECHNO DANCE BEAT FILLS THE DEAD SILENCE OF THE EERIE ROOM.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script