
n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规


550. In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.>>完整场景
It's like my internal compass is just gone.>>完整场景
291EXT -- COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 291 Walking. Searching. The day turning late. Red finds himself staring at a distant field. There's a long rock wall, like something out o f a Robert Frost poem. Big oak tree. Red checks his compass. North end. He crosses a dirt road into the field.>>完整场景
drives on. Red starts walking. PAN TO a roadside sign:
BUXTON. 290EXT -- MAINE COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 290 High white clouds in a blazing blue sky. The trees fiery with autumn color. Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield.>>完整场景
It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your way...to get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it.>>完整场景