
vi. 订阅;赞成;捐款;认购;签署


So if we scroll down to the bottom here, we are ready. The first thing we're gonna do, we're gonna add a turbo stream from post to the show files to the show template.That's gonna set up the web socket connection and subscribe us to a channel named after that particular post that's pasted in.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Every major university in the US subscribes to our service.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
John doesn't subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project!
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Consumers subscribe to channels, acting as subscribers. Their connection is called a subscription. Produced messages are then routed to these channel subscriptions based on an identifier sent by the channel consumer.
用户订阅频道,用户就叫:订阅者。他们的连接称为“一个订阅线”。 根据频道用户发送的标识符,将生成的消息“按路线分发”到这些线上。 acting as (充当)
>> 2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life